Tuesday, March 1, 2022

Mark Lanegan's Strange Religion (Anthony Bourdain Outro)


And thanks to my good friend Seth for the link to this one. What a beautiful way to end Mark Lanegan week.   


I know it's waaaay early, but I'm going on record: So far, Hellbender - or stylized as H6llb6nd6r - is the movie to beat for my favorite movie of the year:


This is another film by the Adams family - Tobey Poser, her husband John Adams and their two daughters Lulu and Zelda - who released The Deeper You Dig in 2019 and have been gaining an increasing amount of notoriety as a family of ridiculously talented individuals. Even the music they did for the movie is fantastic and begs for a proper release. 


The Afghan Whigs - In Spades
The Cure - Faith
The Cure - Carnage Visors
QOTSA - Lullabies to Paralyze
Mark Lanegan Band - Blues Funeral 
Walking Papers - The Light Below
Black Road - Witch of the Future
Black Sabbath - Master of Reality
Silent - Modern Hate
Ritual Howls - Into the Water


Again? I need some time to process this. Or maybe that's the point. While I keep trying to figure certain things out, the Wheel keeps spinning, and the situation changes. 

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