Showing posts with label Jacen Burrows. Show all posts
Showing posts with label Jacen Burrows. Show all posts

Thursday, May 2, 2024

Brigitte Calls Me Baby - Eddie My Love


Man, what a fabulous music video. From This House is Made of Corners, available HERE.


X-Men '97 has been the biggest shock of the year for me, and this week's episode RIPPED!

More and more, I'm seeing this cartoon as a very suitable replacement for the current X-Books. I might not have Krakoa, but I have a new continuity based on ones I previously know, with enough surprise story architecture to really keep me guessing. Also, this show has some teeth! Was not what I was expecting from a cartoon on Disney + but then again, as I'll talk about in a moment, maybe Disney has come around on embracing more mature content again (remember The Black Hole?).

NCBD Addendum:

Garth Ennis and Jacen Burrows on Get Fury?

Get Fury is a sequel of sorts to Ennis' Fury series as well as his Punisher: Born, Punisher: The Platoon. It opens in 1971 during the Vietnam War. Colonel Nick Fury has been captured by the North Vietnamese. The U.S. Army's solution to making sure he isn't successfully interrogated? Send Captain Frank Castle on a Black Op to assassinate Fury. Sounds right in Garth Ennis's wheelhouse, no?

I honestly didn't think we'd ever get another Garth Ennis Fury series like the MAX one from the turn of the century. I'd heard a story from someone inside the industry that basically puts the reason George Clooney turned down an early role as Fury as his reading that Max series. With the recently announced "Red Band" Werewolf by Night series coming in August, are we back to Marvel embracing a similar approach as they did with Max? Certainly, Disney has seemed to relinquish all concerns about cross-pollinating R-Rated material with their family-friendly aesthetic - when I sign in to Disney + now, I see everything on Hulu right alongside all the Disney stuff. So obviously, they've made the decision we all knew they would and embraced Marketing over brand optics.

As Hunter would say, "Works for me."

Get Fury is a 3-issue mini-series; the first issue hit shelves yesterday. 


Ian Lynch - All You Need Is Death OST
Jim Williams - Woodlands Dark and Days Bewitched OST
High on Fire - De Vermis Mysteriis 
King Gizzard & The Lizard Wizard - PetroDragonic Apocalypse
Wach - Quae Infra Volo Videre (pre-release single)
Oranssi Pazuzu - Live at Roadburn 2017


Checking in with Missi's Raven Deck for the first time in a while this morning. Just looking for one card to summarize the day:

I'm choosing to interpret this as straight beauty and good vibes. A bit hippy-dippy, but I'm in a "broad strokes" mood.

Monday, April 15, 2024

Midnight in the City

Still has the power to bring tears to my eyes, even after all this time, even after I've pretty much disengaged from everything Gonzalez has done since (except the Knife + Heart OST). Hearing this reminds me of the smoldering possibilities that still seemed to exist in 2011. Those are all but gone now, as we accept the shitty future the Corporations have made for us. Backed into a corner, hindsight isn't just nostalgic, it's paralyzing.

What a lead-in to our next topic of discussion...


Heed my warning: much as I expected, if you live in the US, Civil War might F**K you up.

Another five-star nightmare from Alex Garland. I'm telling you, I've read all his books and seen all his movies - he never fails. This latest is possibly the most nerve-racking, terrifying film I've seen in years. K has had considerable PTSD from the flick, and I get it. I was literally terrified for the characters (one in particular) for pretty much the entirety of the film. Also, super cool that Garland still uses Geoff Barrow and Ben Salisbury for every score, and on top of that, there are not one but TWO Suicide tracks in the film. I love how, in the past year, I've now heard Suicide in a major theatrical release and Throbbing Gristle's "Hamburger Lady" in two (Love Lies Bleeding and V/H/S/85; I guess the latter isn't a major theatrical release, but I saw it in a theatre, so it felt like one at the time).


I had an insanely relaxing weekend—well, other than the anxiety from Civil War—reading comics. First, when my Drinking with Comics cohost Mike Shinabargar and his wife came down to visit us last weekend, he brought my Chicago Comics Pull down. This meant I could finally read the entirety of Garth Ennis and Jacen Burrows' The Ribbon Queen from start to finish.

This is easily my favorite Garth Ennis comic since Preacher. There - I said it. Man, this was just... perfect. A story of revenge set amidst a backdrop of the Me-Too and BLM movements in 2020, the characters are fantastically conceived, established and developed, and the situations are tense and beautifully woven together with one of the most horrific 'monsters' I've seen in quite some time. Ennis is one of the few writers in comics who can so effortlessly blend the social dramas of our time with pure nightmare fuel. 

After watching the above episode of Cartoonist Kayfabe, I felt compelled to dig in the box of old Punisher comics I pulled from my parents' house last year right before they moved and see if I did indeed own any Punisher War Zone. As I thought, I had issue one, but I also had 2-4, so I did a re-read Sunday. 

I really love how the CK boys add a level of artistic context I would normally never possess for books like this, and I thoroughly enjoyed this one. I have A LOT of old Punisher comics - the ones that have always traveled with me wherever I move are the original 80s mini-series, about the first 17 or so of the original ongoing 80s series, and the first 8 issues of Punisher War Journal (also 80s). My actual Frank Castle collection is at least 3x that size, though, and includes a lot of issues I bought as they came out, but which I'm not so sure about. The Punisher was one of those characters whose popularity in the 80s mandated he be strip-mined well into the mid-90s and the books and character suffered for it. I think War Zone was about where I checked out, hence why I only have those first four issues, which sucks because I didn't finish out what I'm now remembering is a pretty damn good story about Frank infiltrating the Carbone crime family. That means I'll be checking some back issue bins at Rick's Comic City and online this week, looking to find the rest of that storyline (seems to be up through issue 11).


Dödsrit - Nocturnal Will
M83 - Hurry Up, We're Dreaming
!!! - Myth Takes
Dödsrit - Nocturnal Will
King Gizzard & the Lizard Wizard - PetroDragonic Apocalypse
Ghost - Opus Eponymous
Anthrax - Persistence of Time
High on Fire - Cometh the Storm (pre-release singles)
Suicide - Eponymous
Jimmy Buffet - Living and Dying in 3/4 Time
Turnstile - Glow On
Idles - Tangk


From Jonathan Grimm's Hand of Doom Tarot, which you can buy HERE.

• Page (Princess ) of Cups
• Queen of Cups
• XI: Justice

I progression, I think, from my previous spread. Emotions are still high, but I'm keeping myself in check. I have a feeling this is a recurring cycle to the point that I could probably graph it, so I'm going to add a piece of metadata to this and my previous post, maybe even work back using the search function for keywords like "irritation" and "tolerate" so I can possibly get an even more accurate idea of how often and in what 'pattern' this occurs. 

The XI, which is Lust in the Crowley/Harris deck, is a nod toward the primordial power of Anger, however, it can also occasionally indicate a possible Lunar influence. That should be easy enough to map. I used to keep a moon phase widget this site, however, those always break. Might look for another one and begin adding that data to this section of the page, as I would be interested how this might line up with lunar cycles. 

Tuesday, November 14, 2023

Shoplifters of the World!


I've been on a bit of a Smiths kick lately, and it was cool to see David Fincher's new film The Killer pretty much use their greatest hits as the soundtrack for the titular character (to say nothing of the brilliant Rezner/Ross score).  Now, let's talk about that movie...


I had somehow missed that a new David Fincher movie was on the horizon until just a week or two ago. I knew nothing about The Killer going in except it was Fincher directing from a graphic novel I am unfamiliar with and that Michael Fassbender would star. 

Everything about this flick worked for me, from how Fassbender's character dressed like Raoul Duke to the pop culture references on his IDs.  The lighting was to die for, and Erik Messerschmidt's cinematography was soft and fluid, even during the brutal scenes (Messerschmidt also shot Mank for Fincher and, more memorable to me, The Empty Man back in 2020). The Killer was a total homerun for me - possibly my favorite non-horror flick of the year. 


After hitting Amazing Fantasy in Frankfort, IL for my secondary pull there (mainly consisting of stuff I had trouble finding here in Clarksville for whatever reason), I was able to catch up on Garth Ennis and Jacen Burrows' The Ribbon Queen.

This book is super gnarly as far as the kills, and that's part of what makes The Ribbon Queen feel right in line with all the books Avatar pu that company published in the mid-to-late 00s. This one's a Horror story on the surface, with underlining themes that touch on a host of modern issues, particularly those surrounding Police. As usual, Garth knows how to cut the shit and exploit the fallacies of both sides of the argument. 


Blackbraid - Blackbraid II
Frankie and the Witch Fingers - Data Doom
Jamiroquai - Return of the Space Cowboy
Jamiroquai - Canned Heat (single)
The Smiths - Louder Than Bombs
Danko Jones - We Sweat Blood
David Bowie - Outside
Type O Negative - Life is Killing Me
Screaming Females - Desire Pathway
Concrete Blonde - Bloodletting
NIN - With Teeth
Goatsnake - Black Age Blues
Seatbelts - Cowboy Bebop OST
Hexis - Aeternum
Code Orange - The Above


From Jonathan Grimm's Bound Tarot, which you can buy HERE.

• Six of Swords - Greater objectivity required
• Three of Cups - Family. Together
• Six of Cups - Emotional Balance

I love seeing these spreads that are so exactly the hammer on the head of a pin currently sticking out of my life. Moving my parents almost feels bleak right now; there's a level of having to accept that they won't be out on time (this Friday) and will need to pay the extension to stay. They are inbound to us now, coming down for another round of house hunting. The spread tells me to shove all my defeatist bullshit into the corner, remain objective and balanced, and that will eventually create stability.