Well, after nearly a week of Autumnal weather, the temperature shifted back into the low 90s yesterday. Doesn't matter - my interior Autumn flourished for 16 years in L.A. and it's firmly intact and engaged. So here's some Type O Negative, from 1996's October Rust.
Longlegs hits Blu-Ray next Tuesday!
Hail Satan!
Darkness Brings the Cold - Devil Swank Vol. 1
The Mysterines - Afraid of Tomorrows
Zeal & Ardor - GREIF
Blut Aus Nord - Hallucinogen
Ershetu - Xibalba
Talking Heads - Remain in Light
Talking Heads - More Songs About Buildings and Food
Type O Negative - October Rust
Today's card for study is the Nine of Cups - Happiness:
Eight of Cups is emotional change, and adding one to that suggests a new stability. There's balance depicted in Lady Freida Harris' design for this card. A lot going on, but it works out. This then suggests if you keep adding, you will have to work at finding symmetry, but it just might surprise you by occurring naturally.