Saturday, July 25, 2015

Chelsea Wolfe - Carrion Flowers

I had totally missed the fact that Chelsea Wolfe has a new record on the horizon (shipping on or around August 1st!). There's a gaggle of tracks floating around from Abyss (great title) but this creepy ass video is the only sneak peak I want of Ms. Wolfe's new material until I can experience it as a whole when I sit down with some intoxicants and hit play by candle light when the actual Long Player lands.

Can't wait! Next stop, the Abyss!

Friday, July 17, 2015

Bizarre Ghost Late Night TV Ad From Back in May

Holy cow! Following the link to the Loud Wire that I referenced in my previous "From the Pinnacle to the Pit" post but had not read completely until just now, I realize how much I've missed on the developments in this completely awesome and bizarre band. This aired on VH1 in late May, during a late-night broadcast of Caddy Shack.


This is the kind of marketing that I absolutely love and will endear me to Ghost even more. If that's possible.

Read the Loud Wire article linked above for more deets.

Brand New Ghost Track: From The Pinnacle To The Pit

AWESOME! And, more so than on Circe, the other track to surface so far from forthcoming record Meliora (pre-order here), on From The Pinnacle to the Pit you can very much tell that we once again have a new Papa Emeritus (number III for those counting along).

The fact that Ghost have switched singers for each of their three records is just stunning to me. I'll admit it's going to be hard to beat Papa II, however if this track shows a bit of bite to the vocals and Circe shows his 'sweet', melodic side, I'm really going to love this record as much as the other two. After seeing the video for Circe it has really grown to be one of my favorite Ghost tracks.

Tuesday, July 14, 2015

Ghost - Circe Video

This video is awesome - it's amazing to me that Ghost can continue to display the sense of humor that they do and still maintain the insidious 70s satanic horror vibe they pull off so well. And if the song itself, which available for free download on their site, is any indication, the new record Meliora will be an even more epic step in this brilliant band's evolution.

New Protomartyr Track Why Does It Shake?

Pitchfork reports that The Agent Intellect, Protomartyr's follow-up to last year's brilliant Under Color Of Official Right will be released on October 9th via Hardly Art. Easily my most-anticipated album of the year before hearing this new track, which is so good I really just want to keep playing it over and over again but, you know, must preserve the purity of the album experience.


Saturday, July 11, 2015

Star Wars - The Force Awakens

Wow. This has stunned me with the effect it has had on me. It's inspired a rather lengthy article which I'll link to on Joup in a day or two.

UPDATE: Here's the link to the article.