Saturday, July 31, 2021
A Week of Musical Death
Wednesday, July 28, 2021
Mannequin Pussy is Perfect
Somehow, I completely missed that Philadelphia's Mannequin Pussy has a new EP out. You can pick up Perfect over on the group's Bandcamp. As I have come to expect, the five songs are perfect individually or taken as a whole. There's more of that 90s flavor they wear on their sleeve, but as with the band's other releases, this is not tribute or referential music. Mannequin Pussy is the real deal.
And I'm happy to have been able to write that last sentence.
Plague Bringer - As the Ghosts Collect, the Corpses RestCard:
Probably a good idea, as a newfound love of Session IPAs has precipitated an increased nightly beer count on my part. When I told my GP how many beers a night I drink (2-4, maybe as many as 8 on the weekend if we have company) during a recent physical, she did a bit of a double take. Annual routine bloodwork bears out my health, but this card reminds me it's never a good thing to tempt fate. Which is a figure of speech, as I don't believe in fate.
Tuesday, July 27, 2021
Some Thoughts on Messiah of Evil
While looking around on their Bandcamp for any sign of recent activity (none), I discovered that in 2017 they released this "Lara Flynn Bringer' shirt and now I am extremely sad that it's sold out, there are none I could find on ebay or etsy, and I'm shit out of luck acquiring one.
In some respects, I have been listening to my own personal dogma and not to my intuition. This is a nice reminder to be aware of that. We all need help thinking outside the paradigms we draw up for ourselves.
Friday, July 23, 2021
New Zeal and Ardor!
How long do we have to wait until this new Zeal and Ardor album drops? The correct answer is too f*&king long!
Wednesday, July 21, 2021
Holy Diving NCBD!
Cyndi Lauper - She's So UnusualCard:
Sometimes, you just know when you're done with something. That's how I feel at the moment about LaLaLand and my career at the Biorepository. I'm developing an exit strategy on the former, but actually feel like I may need to have one for the latter sooner. Which will be tricky. Gonna have to play this one cool, because not doing so could definitely lead to Ruin.
Monday, July 19, 2021
The Dead of Night
This was definitely the watchword earlier today, however, I've moved past it and emerged into a state of mind that robbed my anxieties of their ammunition. As a result, I'm feeling pretty good.
Monday, July 12, 2021
New Deafheaven track - The Gnashing
Not gonna lie, at first listen to this latest track off Deafheaven's forthcoming album Infinite Granite, I was left pretty underwhelmed. It's nothing to do with the clean vocals - I loved Great Mass of Color from the first time I heard it, but this one felt a bit boring. That was in the car last night on the way to a backyard (second) viewing of Cody Calahan's new flick Vicious Fun - which incidentally is even better the second time through. Today, however, I strapped in the headphones and fired The Gnashing up for a second time, and I have to say, I dig the hell out of this track. I think it will play even better in the context of the entire album, but for now, I'm in.
I LOVE that George has embraced clean vocals. I mean, I'm hoping there will still be fierce, growling moments on the album, but in the meantime, it takes some serious stones for these guys to put themselves out there with these two singles, and I applaud their fearlessness, creativity, and choice of producers in Justin Meldal-Johnsen.
To borrow a term from Dr. Rebekah McKendry, Here's a Bold Horror Statement: I think Fear Street: 1978 is in my all-time favorite Summer Camp Slashers, right behind Robert Hiltzik's original Sleepaway Camp and Tony Maylam's inimitable The Burning! Goddamn, are these flicks BRUTAL!Playlist:
New Ministry!
I haven't been this excited for a new Ministry album in quite some time. I'm loving this song; the "fuck the police" samples seem a bit overdone, but the old-school flavor of the music grabbed me immediately (Thanks Mr. Brown!)
Windhand - Eternal ReturnThursday, July 8, 2021
Sunken Dead at the Center
I have become quite enamored of late with Denmark's Black Metal auteurs Sunken and their 2020 album Livslede. The entire album is quite a deep ride; there are so many textures here, beginning with what you might call a more traditional, second-wave Black Metal approach and then slowly mutating into a swirling mass of orchestrated, melodic chaos. This is beautiful brutality, which is serendipitous since my Beautiful Brutality (and Horror Vision) podcast cohost her_black_wings is the one who turned me onto Sunken in the first place.
Here's the group's Bandcamp. Check them out.
Tuesday, July 6, 2021
Givin' You the Ghost, Spider-man
It had been a minute since I'd pulled out Polica's 2012 debut Give You the Ghost. I don't really know all that much about this group/performer, and I'd forgotten how much I like this album. Above is the stand-out track, but really, the entire record plays like a cohesive whole. In the interim since I've checked in with Polica - yeah, it's been a minute - they've released quite a few records. I'm just starting to go through them now.
Holy Wars
A friend at work recommended this new HULU flick directed by John Lee.Playlist:
The Kills - Midnight BoomCard:
Bull in a china shop, that's how I always read this card at first. I'm regrouping my strategy on this Nosleep serial I'll be posting soon (but not today). Don't want to come out of the gates strong and crawl to the finish line.