Wednesday, July 31, 2024

The Music at 12 to Midnight

As the comments on this video repeatedly declare, The Music may be the most underrated band of all time. These guys were a powerhouse, and I believe this is a great example of when the industry started to dissolve. If their eponymous debut had been released five, hell maybe even three years prior, this would have been a HUGE record. That, sadly, was not the case. Digging back into their albums yesterday, I was reminded just how much I love them, and this song - man, the guitar on this song reminds me so much of the music for the Nintendo Game Ninja Gaiden it crosses all kinds of wires in my head. 


Two days ago, Bloody Disgusting ran an article about an upcoming sequel to J. Lee Thompson's 1983 sleazy action flick 10 to Midnight. The sequel, 12 to Midnight, comes 41 years after that original and 21 years after 10 to Midnight's star Charles Bronson passed away at age 81. Here's the news that I have been unable to stop thinking about since first seeing this article - the new film stars a Charles Bronson lookalike named Robert Bronzi as the main character. This is an "unofficial" sequel, so they've swapped out Bronson's Leo Kessler for Toth, but goddamnit! Look at this guy! He is the spitting image of Bronson:


I loved Charles Bronson's action flicks as a kid in the 80s, but I'm pretty sure my folks never let me watch 10 to Midnight. It's grimy as all hell—the killer is a naked man who kills couples out in public in the dead of night. Think The Town That Dreaded Sundown but directed by Andrea Bianchi. 

Oh, wait. Did I forget to mention that 12 to Midnight takes a totally different route with their killer and goes all-in for a werewolf? Cuz, yeah, this flick has all kinds of reasons for me to be so all-in on it.

But I really can't get over how much Bronzi looks like Bronson. It's uncanny. I mean, if you spot a Channing Tatum lookalike, no big deal, right? But Charles Bronson was one of the most unique-looking dudes to ever grace the silver screen, so this is just blowing my mind.

12 to Midnight hits VOD today and you can bet your sweet arse I'm watching it ASAP. Also, 10 to Midnight is currently included with Prime. I had a viewing a few weeks back, the night of my first MaXXXine viewing, to be exact. My friend Chris was in and in talking about the influences we saw in Ti West's latest film, I brought up Midnight


My good friend and cohost on The Horror Vision, Professor John Trafton, posted a new article on his website about mapping The Dude's Los Angeles in Joel and Ethan Cohen's The Big Lebowski

It's a fascinating read. I can't recommend it enough. Read the article on John's website HERE. I met John after I found his article on Messiah of Evil. I'd just watched the film for the first time and went looking for something to read about it. Turns out I could find no critical writing except John's, which was fine because he nailed it. I'm always happy to see a new article, especially for a movie I love.


The Music - Eponymous
The Music - Welcome to the North
The Ocean - Precambrian: Proterozoic
The Ocean - Precambrian: Hadean/Archaean
Melvins - (A) Senile Animal
The Last Drive-In with Joe Bob Briggs - OST
Amy Winehouse - Back to Black
Mannequin Pussy - I Got Heaven
Metropolis - The Darkest Side of the Night (single)


From Jonathan Grimm's Hand of Doom Tarot, which you can buy HERE. Also, starting today for the next 30, Grimm's Kickstarter for the Hand of Doom Tarot Art Book is up. Check it out HERE.

• Page of Swords
• II: High Priestess
• Five of Wands

Page of Swords, or the Earthly aspect of the Intellect, flanked by the High Priestess, literally the Will that takes the spark of creativity and gives it form and the five of Wands, quite literally the Conflict of my own self-defeatism.

Read: Stop stalling finish the book.

Tuesday, July 30, 2024

The Monochromatic Hell Hole


Helmet's Monochrome is an album that I've recently spent some time reassessing. When this came out in 2007, I had just moved to L.A. two months prior and was still VERY high on the band's 2004 album Size Matters, which was and still is my favorite of their records. So Monochrome's vocal shift to a considerably more affected style from Paige Hamilton didn't quite sit right with me at the time. I've gone back and dug this one out a few times over the past - shit - eighteen years since its release, and it's never really done anything for me. I always kind of figured that one day it might, though, and that day has come! The shift from the more melodic vitriol of Size Matters and Aftertaste back to the absolute savagery from the first album threw me at the time, but right here in 2024, it fits like a glove. Album highlights (so far) upon reassessing are the above track, as well as the album closer, "Goodbye."


Nice and easy week for the wallet.

Saga returns again! I feel like this one is being drawn waaaay the hell out now, and I'd really like to see it hit a monthly cycle and hold it for at least the better part of a year. Either way, though, I'm still just as invested as I was at the beginning, and I'm here for whatever.

When Department of Truth returned from hiatus last month, it marked the first time since I'd come to the book that I got to buy an issue day of release. I wasn't sure how that was going to play; having read the entire first four volumes in a few days last year, was I going to have to go back and re-read everything to remember where we are? Nope. This one is just such a pleasure to fall into that the only drawback reading single issues monthly is it's just not enough!


Although the Adams family's Where the Devil Roams still hasn't been released, the trailer for their next film, Hell Hole, dropped yesterday. 


These folks make some awesome indie flicks, and this looks right in line with everything I love about Hellbender and The Deeper You Dig.


QOTSA - In Times New Roman
Les Claypool - Of Wales and Woe
Les Claypool - Highball with the Devil
Pigface - A New High In Low (Low Disc)
The Raveonettes - Chain Gang of Love
Odonis Odonis - Post Plague
Odonis Odonis - Spectrums
Interpol - Antics
Amigo the Devil - Yours Until the War is Over
Metropolis - The Darkest Side of the Night (single)


From Jonathan Grimm's Hand of Doom Tarot, which you can buy HERE. Also, starting today for the next 30, Grimm's Kickstarter for the Hand of Doom Tarot Art Book is up. Check it out HERE.

• Four of Pentacles
• Knight of Pentacles
• IX: The Hermit

Four of Pentacles is stability in Earthly matters, arrived at through no small exertion of Will as applied to Earthly desires/concerns after a period of contemplation. 

Monday, July 29, 2024

New Music from Pixies!


From the forthcoming album The Night the Zombies Came Out, dropping October 26th. Pre-order HERE.

Post-reunion Pixies has been a mixed bag for me. I LOVE Indie Cindy, but everything since has felt anticlimactic. Sure, I'll lean into Head Carrier and its brethren, but they don't put me in quite the same place. Plus, I've always been a bigger fan of the music Frank Black (or Black Francis) made after the Pixies' first breakup, so to see him essentially jettison those musical endeavors for the last ten years has been disappointing, to say the least. I'm hoping his upcoming Teenager of the Year anniversary tour early next year means maybe he will start dividing his time between Pixies and other bands (Catholics!). We'll see. In the meantime, I still love the Pixies, so I'm looking forward to hearing the new record come Halloween time.


The filmmaking collective of François Simard, Anouk Whissell, and Yoann-Karl Whissell - largely referred to as RKSS - is responsible for one of my favorite films of the last ten years: Summer of '84. Of course, they've also done Turbo Kid, which is fantastic in its own right. Not many films in recent memory have affected me like Summer of '84, though, so after that one, I'll follow RKSS to hell and back. And funny enough, it looks like that's where their next film will be taking us. 

Streaming everywhere on August 13th, We Are Zombies is based on Jerry Frissen and Guy Davis' comic series called The Zombies That Ate the World. I'm not familiar with that series, but like I said, I'd follow these filmmakers anywhere they want to take me, so based on the trailer, buckle up. 


Over this past weekend, I sat down and re-read Ram V and Dan Watters' The One Hand and The Six Fingers as one complete story. 

This one is definitely going to be near the top of my year-end list. I read these all monthly, and re-read most of the series before the final two installments dropped, and I can say that when I finished the final issue last week, I was a little hesitant. I wasn't quite sure these guys had pulled off what they'd set up.

Boy was I wrong.

The key to 'getting' these books is reading them as one story because each issue of each book contains serious overlap, where we see the same events from both the Detective and the Killer's perspective. Not necessarily the most novel idea, except when you place the story in the context of a Blade Runner-esque Cyberpunk city like Neo Novena. 

Calling this Cyberpunk is a bit of a misnomer, but I can't really think of anything else that quite gets the tone across. With visual and tonal references to everything from the aforementioned Ridley Scott classic to Métal Hurlant, the atmosphere is thick enough to cloud the reader's perceptions. Something about the inevitability of these futuristic worlds makes them so real to me, and the creators use a mystery involving androids to pontificate on the human condition in a manner I've never quite seen before. I don't know. All I can say is there's a collected edition coming out in December, and I'm definitely going to recommend it to everyone who I think might dig this. 

Hopefully, this did well enough that both creators will return to Neo Novena at some point in the near future. Preferably before our world comes to resemble theirs any more than it already does.


T. Rex - The Slider
Liars - Drum's Not Dead
Jerry Cantrell - Brighten
Japandroids - Celebration Rock
Queens of the Stone Age - In Times New Roman
Helmet - Monochrome
16 Horsepower - Hoarse
Liars - Sisterworld
Mr. Bungle - California


From Jonathan Grimm's Hand of Doom Tarot, which you can buy HERE. Also, starting today for the next 30, Grimm's Kickstarter for the Hand of Doom Tarot Art Book is up. Check it out HERE.

• Two of Wands
• XVI: The Tower
• Seven of Swords

Collaboration of Will leads to a change in pre-existing paradigms - not an easy thing, but a good thing for those with the intellect to recognize the advantages of a system overhaul.

This has to be work-related. Not sure if that's good or bad. 

New Music from Jerry Cantrell!!!


From the forthcoming album, I Want Blood, out October 18th. You can pre-order a copy HERE.

Jerry Cantrell kind of blows me away these days. I can't say I'm the biggest fan of his first two solo records - though I do like them, despite their somewhat uneven listening experience - and although I'm all for Alice in Chains continuing with James Duval, it doesn't always work for me. But between AIC's Rainier Fog, Cantrell's previous solo album Brighten (how has it been three years?), and now this 11th-hour announcement of I Want Blood, I feel the man is unpredictable in the best possible way. Aging musicians from bands that lost a key member over twenty years ago just don't act like this, and I LOVE it!!!


Yesterday, K and I finally started Evil's long-awaited fourth and final season.

A) This might be the best show ever (minus Twin Peaks), and B) the writers have definitely been reading Laird Barron. The first episode of Season Four deals with strange happenings at a particle accelerator on the East Coast, and the second has a robot guard dog attacking innocent people. In a way, both of those are right out of Barren's third Isiah Coleridge, Worse Angels, although in the book, it's a robot sentry that attacks Coleridge while he's exploring an abandoned particle accelerator in upstate New York, but the influence is there.

And that's not to say all Evil's charms are limited to homage. This show has been a wild ride, a totally new take on a procedural crossed with X-Files, a demon-of-the-week that strictly adheres to a larger arc. The characters are among my favorites ever in a show like this, and the actual production... the lighting! This is THE BEST television lighting EVER. No joke. It works hand in hand with the set design to create this extremely relatable yet also liminal space the characters live and move within. And the practical FX! Also, Katja Herbers, Mike Colter and Ben Shakir are just fabulous. 


Big Black - Lungs
Jim Williams - Possessor OST
Ennio Morricone - Black Belly of the Tarantula OST
Jeff Grace - The House of the Devil OST
Cocksure - TVMALSV
Liars - Drum's Not Dead
Deadguy - Fixation on a Coworker
Mörmaid - Pearlescent Dark
Fvnerals - Let the Earth Be Silent
The Church - Starfish
Mr. Bungle - Eponymous
Suicidal Tendencies - Controlled By Hatred/Feel Like Shit... Déjá-vu
Loathe - I Let It In and It Took Everything
Loathe - The Things They Believe
Mirar - Mare E.P.
Black Sabbath - Master of Reality
Alice in Chains - Jar of Flies E.P.
The Dillinger Escape Plan - Calculating Infinity


From Jonathan Grimm's Hand of Doom Tarot, which you can buy HERE.

• Ten of Cups
• Eight of Swords
• Ten of Wands

Earthly completion, a profound use of intellect (problem-solving) and completion of that which thou has Willed.

Okay, first, funky 70s lighting courtesy of a late-night photo in my office. Might play around with different lighting for these photos down the road. The aesthetic fits Grimm's Hand of Doom Deck. Which, by the way, there's a coffee table art book Kickstarter starting tomorrow. I'll post here.

As for this morning's cards, it's another nod toward finishing both the free Vol. 4 collection that should drop tomorrow (I think; I still have to iron out some last-minute copyright stuff today) and Black Gloves & Broken Hearts, which I wrote the final sentence of yesterday. I've had the ending for months, I just had to finesse the final chapters to get there. That appears to be where I am now, and I should just need to sort out the epilogue and then go through for a reading edit on two fronts - me and my constant beta reader, Missi. 

Friday, July 26, 2024

Frankie Freako


I'm not certain I actually dig this song—not that I think it's 'bad' per se, just not sure it's my cuppa—but this video is insane. This is my first exposure to Mörmaid, and after seeing it, I put their new album Pearlescent Dark on my Apple Music to give the entire thing a go. You can download the album from Mörmaid's Bandcamp HERE.


I love Steven Kostanski.  After helping bring us one of the greatest Horror films of the past twenty years (The Void, Co-Written and Directed with Jeremy Gillespie) and Writing/Directing one of my favorite films of all time (Psycho Goreman), photos of him hard at work on a remake of Roger Corman's Deathdealer surfaced earlier this year. Then, he goes and drops a teaser for an entirley different film, one much more in line with PG than Deathdealer:

Did I mention Kostanski also headed the FX team that brought us the yoga kill in this year's In A Violent Nature?  I mean, his team did all the FX, but really, that's the one everyone's still talking about, whether you liked or disliked the film. All this, and he's still had time to finish what looks like a veritable practical FX bonanza called Frankie Freako? Steve baby, you are amazing, and I'm here for anything you have to drop on us.


I'm having a tough time not ordering these new NECA recreations of the Universal Monsters as originally released by Burger King. I remember these from the 80s!

Honestly, I really could just settle for The Creature, but it's a set. Read all about it over on the mighty Bloody Disgusting HERE.


Dead Milkmen - Quaker City Quiet Pills
Horrendous - Ontological Mysterium
Jóhann Jóhannsson - Mandy OST
Frank Black - Teenager of the Year
JD McPherson - Undivided Heart & Soul
Deadguy - Fixation on a Coworker
Mr. Bungle - Eponymous
Jim Williams - Possessor OST
Nothing - The Great Dismal
The Pixies - Surfer Rosa
Frankie and the Witch Fingers - Data Doom
Deadguy - Work Ethic
Big Black - Lungs EP


From Jonathan Grimm's Hand of Doom Tarot, which you can buy HERE.

• Knight of Swords
• Seven of Wands
• Knight of Pentacles

That's a lot of Will. We have a concentrated effort of intellect that brings about creative completion (that's an announcement I'll be making next week), and a concentrated effort - what I'm reading as - to not spend the money on those Universal Figures I posted above. Okay, thank you Hand of Doom Tarot Deck, for putting a face to the inner voice I was set to ignore (really, that's all the cards do).

Tuesday, July 23, 2024

T. Rex - Jewel


If you've seen Longlegs, you'll probably be on the same page. I've been a T. Rex fan for years, but my exposure to the band never moved beyond Electric Warrior and my personal favorite of their records (that I'm familiar with), The Slider, which really helped get me through a tough month in LA last January.


Bloody Disgusting ran an article recently that introduced me to the Popcorn Fright Film Fest. Both a live event taking place in Fort Lauderdale, FL, and a virtual event, the fest runs from August 8th through the 18th and is stacked with awesome films. I'm seriously considering purchasing a virtual pass, and I'm looking through the trailers to try and assemble a priority list. Here's one that caught me right away:

Both Kyle Gallner and Willa Fitzgerald look awesome in what little of this trailer I watched. While I have not seen Writer/Director JT Mollner's debut feature, 2016's Outlaws and Angels, I'm very interested in it now. Also, Giovani Ribisi is credited as the Cinematographer on Strange Darling. How cool is that?

The Popcorn Frights Fest's website is HERE. Grab some tickets and maybe we can, I don't know, hang out in a virtual movie theatre.


So, you'll notice I broke down and picked up one of the books I previously announced I was done with. Which one? NOT an X-book, I'll tell you that. Let's get into today's pull from Rick's Comic City in Clarksville:

A consistently delightful sequel to both the Army of Darkness Theatrical and Director's cuts, which in and of itself is a great reason to read. 

Finally! I'm going to hunker down and re-read The Nice House on the Lake before I jump into this new, sequel series. 

The Neo Novena saga comes to an end. I'm really hoping there will be more stories set in this world. 

Road Stories continues. Last issue was fantastic; interested to see where we go with Erika this time.

Yep, this is the one. I've decided to hang on and give this new Turtles book a chance. I'm just so invested in the continuity they built over the last 150 issues, it is difficult to abandon it now.

More Springer! You know, I think my Drinking with Comics cohost Mike Shinabargar was on to something when he said that, working in a comic shop, he sees that sales on Void Rivals could use a regular dose of a character from one of the Energon Universe's more well-known properties. I think that's fine - whatever Kirkman and his team need to do to keep this book coming because I LOVE Void Rivals. I think this 100% stands on its own, however, if we need a regular dose of Springer or any other Transformer, no problem. Especially Springer - for some reason, I've always felt he was a bit left-of-center and a great fit for a deep space, non-Earth storyline.


USSA - The Spoils
Alice in Chains - Dirt
Shellac - To All Trains
Tim Hecker - Infinity Pool OST
High on Fire - Cometh the Storm
Man Man - Carrot on Strings
Black Sabbath - Eponymous
Horrendous - Ontological Mysterium
Deafheaven - Sunbather
Zeal & Ardor - GREIF (pre-release singles)
The Dillinger Escape Plan - Option Paralysis
Genghis Tron - Board Up the House
Mr. Bungle - Eponymous


From Jonathan Grimm's Hand of Doom Tarot, which you can buy HERE.

• Two of Pentacles
• XXI: The World
• 0: The Fool

Collaboration, as opposed to opposition, leads to what comes next, which is a new journey in and of itself. 

Sometimes the cards are so eerily straight forward, it's effortless to read them.

Monday, July 22, 2024

Frank Black Teenager of the Year 30th Anniversary Tour


Got my tickets to join some of my best friends in the world for Frank Black's Teenager of the Year 30th anniversary tour. Mr. Black even has Lyle Workman back! 


Damian McCarthy first impressed the absolute hell out of me in 2022 with Caveat, a direct-to-Shudder film about a man talked into wearing a harness in an old house on a small island in Ireland. The man is supposedly been hired by a friend to watch his niece, but there are all kinds of WTF surrounding that idea, and the film, for all its slow-burn tendencies, rapidly escalates into a terrifying dirge of haunted guilt and bad decisions that culminate in...

Well, read the book. Or, ah, watch the movie. 

McCarthy's new film Oddity was on my radar but just barely, and I was SHOCKED and delighted to find that it opened at our Clarksville Regal this past Thursday. 

So far, it is neck-and-neck with Robert Morgan's Stopmotion for my favorite film of the year. I would post a trailer, but no. PLEASE, go see this in the theatre (it will most likely be gone after this week due to Deadpool) and DO NOT read, watch, or listen to anything about it. Go in blind, and I think this will smack you in the gob the way it did me—so much so that I have tickets to see it again tonight. 


I've had Playdead's Inside for a couple years now, and while I have played and enjoyed it, it wasn't until this past weekend that I really fell in love with this game. Described as 'dream-like' in all the solicitation copy I've come across, I have to say, that's the perfect description. 


A week or so ago, my good friend Maddie messaged me about this game, saying that she remembered I had mentioned it and that she had recently become enthralled. This had me pull the game back out and pick at it off and on for a few days. Then, this past Saturday, I sat down in a darkened room with a beer and Adam Egypt Mortimer's The Obelisk on my turntable and the way the game and the music melded... it was just incredible. I left the sound up so I could hear all the atmospheric sound effects - hurried footsteps through standing water, giant industrial cranes and elevators moving and clanking, explosions, and, yes, dream-like wind and breathing - and my consciousness just folded into this world. It was beautiful. 

I don't want this one to end.


Fear - Live For the Record
Frank Black - Teenager of the Year
Black Francis - Svn Fngrs
Death Cab for Cutie - Narrow Stairs
Frank Black - Eponymous
Tomahawk - Mit Gas
The Dillinger Escape Plan - Irony Is A Dead Scene E.P.
Ministry - Rio Grande Blood
The Dillinger Escape Plan - Calculating Infinity
Justin Hamline - The House With Dead Leaves
The Replacements - Pleased to Meet Me
The Besnard Lakes... Are the Roaring Night
Adam Egypt Mortimer - The Obelisk
M83 - Before the Dawn Heals Us
Zeal & Ardor - Stranger Fruit
Concrete Blonde - Eponymous
Phil Collins - Face Value


From Jonathan Grimm's Hand of Doom Tarot, which you can buy HERE.

• Knight of Wands 
• Four of Pentacles
• Six of Pentacles

The firey aspect of fire, pure white hot Intellect, stripped of all other human trappings. Here, it's being applied to Earthly matters, as we can see via the two Pentacles or Disks cards that follow. Four of Disks indicates stability, and the Six support or balance. What this tells me this morning is the balancing act I now maintain Monday - Friday may require an extra dose of reasoning to maintain. Not sure if this means this will be a heavy spreadsheet week (I'm only half joking and all cringe when I reference a spreadsheet in relation to the Tarot), or if I'll just have to side step emotional reactions to things that will require logical consideration instead of capricious emotion.

Friday, July 19, 2024

Man Man - Alibi


LOVING this new Man Man album, Carrot on Strings, which you can order HERE.


Holy smokes - Arrow Video is releasing The Last Starfighter on Blue Ray!

You can order the Blue Ray HERE. There's also a 4K HERE. I LOVED this flick as a kid. We didn't have cable but one of my Dad's friends did, and he used to record me movies onto blank VHS tapes that I would then watch over and over and over. The Last Starfighter was one of those, along with Predator, The Ghostbusters and Romancing the Stone. Somehow, though, it never made it into my adult collection. Going to remedy that real soon. 


T. Rex - Electric Warrior
Various - Mulholland Drive OST
Liars - WIXIW
Man or Astro Man? - Live Transmissions from Uranus
Mr. Bungle - Disco Volante
T. Rex - The Slider
Angelo Badalamenti - Dark Water OST
The Besnard Lakes - ... Are the Dark Horse
Simple Minds - New Gold Dream
Hot Stove Jimmy - Theme For a Major Hit
T. Rex - Eponymous
Frank Black - Teenager of the Year


From Jonathan Grimm's Hand of Doom Tarot, which you can buy HERE.

• Ten of Cups
• V: The Hierophant
• X: Wheel of Fortune

Earthly fruition from a fleeting opportunity. I'll be keeping my eyes out for this one. I still try to take negative events - or, at least events I perceive to have negative connotations - and spin them positive. NOT always easy, but seeing this is a reminder to be on watch for something today.

Thursday, July 18, 2024

RIP Bob Newhart

Sad news today, hearing about the passing of one of the funniest comedians of all time. I grew up watching the 80s Newhart show Newhart, and a couple years ago K and I began rewatching it from the beginning. We made it somewhere near the end of the fifth season before the preparations for our move across country knocked it off our radar. Here's a reminder it's about time to get back into it, as my goal is to get all the way through, so I can re-experience the greatest television ending of all time. 

Wednesday, July 17, 2024

New Music and a DIY Synthesizer from A Place to Bury Strangers!!!

From A Place to Bury Strangers' upcoming album Synthesizer, out October 4th on Death by Audio. Pre-order HERE.

The INSANE thing about this pre-order is there's a version of the album that comes with the electrical component to turn the album sleeve into a DIY synthesizer! How awesome is that?


My biggest NCBD Pull in a while. Let's dig right the f**k in!

What a salacious cover! Haha, this book has taken a really "off the rails" turn as of the last issue, and I'm here for it. Loving this cross-country journey with JC and his 'friends,' especially with all the weirdoes they meet along the way. Issue 6 really backed up my Shade The Changing Man: The American Scream comparison, and I'm happy to see where it goes from there.

Okay, going by the cover, we have A) Destro, B) the "Crimson Twins," and B) a metric sh*t ton of B.A.T.S. I can't think of a better formula for a Destro comic. After reading the second issue of Scarlett, I'm still not loving that book - but will definitely stick with it - but I am 100% ALL IN on Destro!

The final issue of Jeff Lemire's weird fiction opus to childhood, giant bug-men and, ah, crime. 

Again, this cover just sells the F*CK out of this one. Am I the only one getting a visual homage to old-school issue #73 here? That issue was the kick-off to the original "Cobra Civil War," and this issue's solicitation on League of Comic Geeks begins, "WAR WITH SERPENTOR!" Good things await. 

The final issue of what has turned out to be a very excellent mini-series that has me kind of rethinking my ideas about jumping off TMNT. I think I will be picking up Jason Aaron's new number one next week. 

Another final issue to what also turned out to be a total sleeper for me. Loved the tone of this whole series: the stakes are high, but there's a touch of comedy in the lining. Well-played Mr. Riser!

The end of another arc for What's the Furthest Place From Here? Thinking of re-reading this again from the beginning, but I guess that would be better suited before it comes back in a few months. I haven't seen any solicitations for its return, but there's no way this is the end. 


This looks like it might be this year's equivalent to Titane. Seeing this trailer twice now, 

I'm really excited about both the movie and the fact that, suddenly, Autuer Horror directors and the companies that distribute their films appear to be taking a much less revealing approach to cutting trailers.


Tones on Tail - Everything!
The Damned - Night of 1000 Vampires: Live in London
Zeal & Ardor - Wake of a Nation E.P.
T. Rex - Electric Warrior
Jim Williams - Possessor OST
Saigon Blue Rain - Oko
Various - Mulholland Drive OST
A Place to Bury Strangers - Exploding Head


From Jonathan Grimm's Hand of Doom Tarot, which you can buy HERE.

• Two of Wands
• X: Wheel of Fortune
• Page of Swords

Partnership or duplicity? You can't struggle against the grain and hope to find out; you have to physically use your intellect—i.e., put it into action outside of your head—to root out potential deception.

Great. Another work pull. I hate that I've been absorbed into an uncomfortably corporate environment again, where everyone's actions are suspect. 

Sunday, July 14, 2024

Nox Novacula


From the upcoming album Feed the Fire, out August 2nd on Artoffact Records. 

I'd never heard Nox Novacula before, but I'm digging both this song and the video. You can pre-order from the band's Bandcamp HERE.


Friday night, I finally saw Kathryn Bigelow's first film, 1981's The Loveless

Willem Dafoe's debut performance and you can pretty much see that he's going to be a force to be reckoned with. I LOVED this film and have to wonder if it wasn't also an influence on David Lynch, which kind of blows me away, as I'd always thought of Kathryn Bigelow's most important work coming after Lynch's, but this would definitely rearrange that. 

Also, hot damn is this a great soundtrack. Robert Gordon - who plays Davis in the film - lays down a Rockabilly extravaganza the likes of which I'd not heard before. There's stuff here that bridges the greaser/beatnik aesthetic, which kind of runs together socially a bit during the 50s before counterculture became driven by capitalism. 

Can't recommend this one enough, and it's currently included with prime. Would make a fabulous double feature with either Paris, Texas or, as I chose to do Friday night, Lynch's Wild At Heart


I finally got around to reading Dan Watters and Lamar Mathurin's four-issue Cowboy Bebop series, which Titan Books published a few years ago. 

Really fun stuff. I'm sure I've talked about this here before, but even though I don't go in for very much animation, the original Cowboy Bebop cartoon is one of my favorite things of all time. Also - and this was a total surprise at the time - I really liked the live-action Netflix show this series is based on. Watters really captures the spirit of both shows, and Mathurin just nails the perfect blend of how the characters look in the cartoon and how they look played by actors. The story revolves around - what else - a heist and a bounty, but snakes into some serious Grant Morrison territory just enough to have made this feel unique but still very much in the spirit of the show that does indeed transcend the genre.

You can order a trade of this direct from Titan Books HERE.


Tim Hecker - Infinity Pool OST
Mars Red Sky - Eponymous
Brainiac - Predator Nominate
Genghis Tron - Dream Weapon
Blut Aus Nord - The Mystical Beast of Rebellion
The Atlas Moth - Coma Noir
Eagulls - Eponymous
Megadeth - So Far, So Good... So What?
Jawbox - For Your Own Special Sweetheart
Justin Hamline - The House With Dead Leaves
Zeal & Ardor - Wake of a Nation E.P.
Death Valley Girls - Under the Spell of Joy
Forhist - Eponymous
Fen - Dustwalker
Donny McCaslin - Beyond Now
Suicidal Tendencies - Controlled By Hatred/Feel Like Shit... Déjá-vu
Deafheaven - Sunbather


From Jonathan Grimm's Hand of Doom Tarot, which you can buy HERE.

• XVII: The Star
• Eight of Pentacles
• IX: The Hermit

XVII is a much needed reminder - "Create unto and within yourself a Universe, shaped of your strengths and built on your accomplishments as foundation."

Eight of Pentacles - Earthly transformation, and IX is the concentration needed to achieve it. In other words, finish the book!!!

Friday, July 12, 2024

New Music from The Jesus Lizard!!!

 I'm behind everything by a couple of days. Had a friend in town earlier in the week, and between catching up at work after a few days off, digging back into finishing Black Gloves & Broken Hearts after five days away at a crucial point in the novel, and recording podcasts for both MaXXXine and Longlegs, I just haven't had time to do anything else. So here's some awesome new music by one of my all-times. You can pre-order the new album RACK from Ipecac Records HERE, it drops September 13th.


In the past week I have seen three movies that I expect will define much of 2024 for me. First, MaXXXine, which I've now seen twice on the big screen and am planning for another round:

I'm in the final stages of editing a HUGE episode The Horror Vision just did on this one. Ti West has been a favorite of mine since I first saw The Roost in 2005, and to see his very distinct filmmaking on the big screen for the first time since I caught The House of the Devil back in 2009 at the old Laemmle's on Sunset (after waiting for it for something like 3 or 4 years), but with a much bigger budget and not in a limited art-house release (I'm in Clarksville for hell's sake; I seriously doubt Hosue of the Devil played in Clarksville, haha) was an awesome experience. MaXXXine has some issues, but none that blind my love for it or the director.

Although I saw Nikhil Nagesh Bhat's Kill last September at opening night of Beyondfest 2023, I am counting my viewing this past Sunday on a big screen in Nashville as the first salvo of what may very well be my favorite film of the year.

This film takes the "Surprise, I'm getting married" trope of Indian Cinema and uses it to propel the best Action-Horror film I've seen since Dog Soldiers, easy. See this on the big screen if you can, and don't worry about the run time. It's a little over two hours, and I won't feel it AT ALL.

Finally, Oz Perkins' Longlegs... I'm not really sure how I feel about this flick after seeing it last night. It's fantastic, no doubt, but something about all of Perkins' films creates a disconnect in me. 

You'll read this is the scariest movie of the decade. I think that's a bit much. But it is extremely unnerving, and everyone turns in a fantastic performance, especially Nick Cage, who defies all possible expectation and description with his performance.

The only other really big films I'm still waiting on for the year are Fede Alvarez's Alien: Romulus, Francis Ford Coppola's Megalopolis, and Robert Eggers' Nosferatu. I know there will be other, unexpected greats that filter in here and there, but for now, those are the horizon line. All in all, so far it's been a pretty great year, with Kill and Stop Motion duking it out for my favorite thus far.


Various Artists - The Void
High on Fire - Cometh the Storm
Dean Hurley - Anthology Resource Vol. 1: △△
Kim Carnes - Bette Davis Eyes (single)
Scorpions - Rock You Like a Hurrican (single)
The Dillinger Escape Plan - Option Paralysis


From Jonathan Grimm's Hand of Doom Tarot, which you can buy HERE.

• XIV: Temperance
• XX: Judgement
• Page of Wands

XIV is Art in the Thoth deck, a variation that projects a slightly different connotation for me. Having only used Thoth for the first 17 or so years I've been familiar with the cards, this recent switch is something I've not quite worked out yet. Art usually suggests synchronization, often of disparate elements into a pleasurable outcome. Temperance, on the other hand, suggests Balance, which is and is not the same. Seeing this card here and thinking about it, I take this as a definite nod to balance some of the uneven and, frankly, negative emotions/thoughts that have ruled my head of late. Taken with XX - ACTIONS HAVE CONSEQUENCES - and the Page (Princess) of Wands, or the Earthly aspect of Fire, I'd say this is a Pull that suggests I really have some work to do on myself in order to regain the mental/emotional balance I've kind of misplaced the last two weeks or so

Wednesday, July 10, 2024

David Lynch & Chrsta Bell - The Answers to the Questions


A second 'single' from David Lynch & Christa Bell's upcoming Cellophane Memories album dropped yesterday, complete with an animated video by Lynch himself. So far, both tracks from this have defied all manner of expectations and/or predictions. 

Cellophane Memories is out August 2nd on Sacred Bones Records. You can pre-order the album HERE.


I didn't post for NCBD last week because there was only one book on my list, and I didn't end up hitting the shot to grab it. Part of that is no doubt that, with only one issue out so far, Scarlett has not inspired the same kind of "Gottasee" that the Cobra Commander and Duke mini-series did. 

On to this week, which is also a light one:

LOVE this cover for Garth Ennis and Jacen Burrows' Get Fury #3. This has been a solid book so far; it's cool to see Ennis return to both Nick Fury and Frank Castle with his trademark flair for the violent and the grotesque.

The last couple issues of Daniel Warren Johnson's Transformers have really opened the book up, with new characters, new agendas and new subplots aplenty. I like that we're spending a lot of time with a good mix of Gen 1 and later characters and that in hindsight, the storytellers can really introduce anyone at any time, unlike the original Marvel comic that, while I love it, was more beholden to introducing and highlighting characters as they were introduced in the toy line. 


Neil Marshall has a new film on the way. Co-writer and star Charlotte Kirk leads the cast of what looks like a high-energy heist-gone-wrong flick. 

Duchess hits VOD on August 9th; I haven't loved most of Neil Marshall's output over the last few years. Starting with 2020's The Reckoning, his films have seemed... safe? Not sure if that's exactly the word I want, but it will do. Last year's The Lair was a touch better, but really just beat-for-beat skinning of Dog Soldiers, with the story and action transposed to the desert where the characters fight demons (or whatever it was) instead of Werewolves. Still, I'll always give this man's films a chance, just based on Dog Soldiers and The Descent.


Ministry - Hopiumforthemasses
Double Life - Indifferent Stars (single)
Matt Cameron - Gory Scorch Cretins EP
Justin Hamline - The House With Dead Leaves
Amigo the Devil - Yours Until the War is Over
Moon Wizard - Sirens
Zombi - Direct Inject
Trombone Shorty - For True
Huey Lewis and the News - Sports
Ozzy Osbourne - Diary of a Madman
Various - The Void OST


From Jonathan Grimm's Hand of Doom Tarot, which you can buy HERE.

• Ten of Pentacles
• Nine of Cups
• Eight of Cups

Stability becomes wealth.

Friday, July 5, 2024

USSA - Blue Light


From USSA's 2007 album The Spoils. This was Duane Denison and Paul Barker's group and damned if I wouldn't LOVE to see these guys release another record. Every track is pretty tight, and when this came out, I remember feeling their next record would be even better. Alas, that never happened. That said, take it for what it's worth, but their Wikipedia entry does not refer to them in the past tense, so who knows... 

In digging around, I never realized that Barker was a co-founder of a Synthesizer/FX manufacturer. HERE is a link if you're interested.


My Fourth of July movie viewing was 100% a nod to the summers of my youth. After putting in an hour and a half writing and then mowing the lawn in ungodly heat, I picked my impromptu Trailer Park Boys marathon. My folks came over, and we made ribs on the grill. As I've aged, meat on the bone bothers me, especially when it's so much work for so little meat. Still, I'd let my folks pick and they turned out pretty good, so we masticated and then sat down to watch my second favorite movie of all time: Joe Dante's The 'Burbs!


Apparently, my Dad had never seen this before, and neither had K's mom. It was a pleasure watching this with them; their laughter only bolstered my own. Not that this one needs any help with me - after almost four decades of regular viewings, The 'Burbs never disappoints. Every joke lands, the cast is PERFECT, and Jerry Goldsmith's score provides the perfect sonic balance between sinister intentions and 80s suburban bliss.

At one point during the film, there's a clip of Tobe Hooper's Texas Chainsaw Massacre 2 on the tv, and seeing that I instantly made up my mind what my second feature of the evening would be. It'd been a few years since the last time I watched this one, so after The 'Burbs ended and my folks took off, I pulled out my DVD copy and fired up what I can still only describe as one of the most insane movies I've ever seen.


The only movie I know of that may have more screaming than TCM2 is Juan López Moctezuma's Alucarda. Seriously, I watched this once in San Pedro - also on the 4th of July, come to think of it, and with all the windows open, my ex became concerned the neighbors might call the police. 


Deafheaven - Sunbather
Deafheaven - New Bermuda
Anthrax - Spreading the Disease
USSA - The Spoils
Deftones - White Pony
Stereolab - Mars Audiac Quintet
Brand New - Science Fiction
Deafheaven - Infinite Granite
Valkyrie - Fear
Thou - Umbilical
The Knife - Silent Shout
The Replacements - Pleased to Meet Me
Coleman Hawkins - Wrapped Tight
JD Mcpherson - Undivided Heart & Soul