Showing posts with label Twin Peaks. Show all posts
Showing posts with label Twin Peaks. Show all posts

Thursday, January 12, 2017

May 21st

Being that this announcement came Monday I'm pretty late. Rough week. That said, I've waited over twenty-five years so, you know, what's four extra days to publicly proclaim how insanely happy this has made me? Like anyone that has seen this blog more than once needs a reminder how happy the return of Twin Peaks has made me.

Reunion will be the sweetest of wines, the most welcome of triumphs. I Love You David Lynch.

Wednesday, December 21, 2016

Gordon Cole Eating Donuts

Is really all it takes to make me happy these days. I've got one big bee in my bonnet for 2017 and it's Twin Peaks!!!

Friday, November 4, 2016

The Secret History of Twin Peaks

Last week I finished Mark Frost's The Secret History of Twin Peaks and, while I almost never go for expanded universe type stuff, this book, written in the guise of a secret document Chief Inspector Gordon Cole assigns to an FBI Agent investigating a crime that has ties to the now twenty-five year passed Laura Palmer case, is a MUST for Peaks fans. There's so many ways that an in-continuity novel could have gone wrong, but instead The Secret History of Twin Peaks does everything right.

Here's a clip Mr. Brown sent me of Mark Frost reading from the book (apparently the audio book version has some of the original cast members reading sections. Way to prompt me to get my first audio book Mr. Frost).

Thursday, September 15, 2016

Dumb Numbers video Stars David Yow, features Kimmy Robertson

So good to hear David Yow on vocals again. Even better to see his performance on the screen. I laughed out loud several times, loved 'Lucy''s cameo and will be utterly surprised if this doesn't clock in as the best video I see this year. I was unfamiliar with Dumb Numbers before this but after a little digging around I found this and have realized I can no longer live without this band.

Tuesday, March 1, 2016

Homicidal Homemaker's Black Lodge Pie!

Mr. Brown sent this to me on Twin Peaks day and I'm late getting around to watching the entire thing (yeah, at a whopping 6 minutes and some change this would'a kept me up all night, right?). I am SO going to make this. And I absolutely love the idea of a horror-themed cooking show, so I just did what I'm going to suggest you do - if you dig this subscribe to the Homicidal Homemaker's youtube channel!

Friday, December 18, 2015

Twin Peaks - Coming Soon

LOVE these fan-made posters almost as much as I love black coffee and cherry pie.

Mr. Brown just sent me this Showtime video. Not a trailer, or even really a teaser, but my heart swelled when they lift the blanket off that sign.


Monday, September 28, 2015

Sunday, May 24, 2015

Twin Peaks Intro... Done with Paper!

Saw this on Bloodydisgusting earlier in the week. Very cool. The opening notes of this theme song always have a calming influence on me, and if I make it all the way through I usually get a little choked up from nostalgia.

Tuesday, August 12, 2014

8 Bit Twin Peaks Credit Sequence

Do I even have to say how awesome this is?

Special thanks to Ali Troubadour for sending me this. Thank you Ali!!! And to the folks at Filthy Frackers, I say well done!

Saturday, May 24, 2014

Sunday, April 6, 2014

Rue Morgue Celebrates 25th Anniversary of Prom Queen's Murder

image courtesy of

The newest issue of Rue Morgue is on the newsstand and as you can no doubt discern from the picture it has a nice, juicy Twin Peaks cover story in honor of the 25 year anniversary of the night Special Agent Dale Cooper opened that mason jar of scorched engine oil and entered the waiting room via Glastonbury Grove and its circle of twelve sycamore trees. Now, if you've been reading about Twin Peaks for a long time as I have - pretty much since it aired - the Rue Morgue story is not too much that you haven't heard before. But it's done really well and there are some unique insights by Ray Wise, Sheryl Lee and Jennifer Lynch. And unlike Fangoria, which sadly pretty much blows - or at least did the last time I checked - Rue Morgue is a fantastic horror mag that I don't get to read often enough. There's also a great article on Oculus, a movie I think I was unfairly dismissing due to billboard proliferation around LA but after reading said article I'm actually looking forward to.

Wednesday, March 26, 2014

And I'll See You... Under the Sycamore Trees

From the "And I'll see you..." the vocals become almost too powerful to bear. Goodnight 25 years later (I say this realizing Cooper is still walking around inside the Waiting Room, lost, and that he will be until morning. No, until... 25 years later.

"Would you like a plate special?"


Joup Team-Up! Chester Whelks & I Talk Twin Peaks

image courtesy of

The inimitable Chester Whelks recently asked me about doing a two-man article pertaining to the final episode of Twin Peaks for our beloved Joup. This, of course, in honor of the aforementioned 25 Years since Special Agent Dale Cooper entered the Black Lodge. The link below will act as a mason jar of scorched engine oil; click it and you will draw back a crimson curtain. We will be known to you then and ready to talk about our own individual experiences with the series and that massive, massive final episode.

Happy Twenty-Five Years (Not for Dale Cooper)

Dale Cooper entered the Black Lodge (in story time) on March 26th, 1989. He's still there, with the good Laura. What's Bob been up to running around in Cooper's skin? Well, most likely he's killed Major Garland Briggs and Pete Martel, but other than that... Mr. Lynch or Mr. Frost, would you care to weigh in on this with say... A NEW SEASON? Netflix in particular has expressed interest. Or what about a season of True Detective that intersects with the TP timeline, much as the fabled X-Files episode where Dana and Mulder enter the Lodge in order to... no, let's not get diminutive. The simple fact though is, of course, us fans will take whatever we can get, even if it's just a Georgia Coffee commercial.

Thanks to the great Chester Whelks for forwarding the above video to me.

image courtesy of twin

Wednesday, March 12, 2014

David Lynch - Twin Peaks 25 Years Later...

So I'm not entirely sure how I missed this. Obviously, if you drop by here at least once in a while you'll see my output is waaay down. So busy. It's work, and it's reaching 412 usable pages in my novel and still going strong (probably about double that when you add exploratory/what's getting tossed or re-worked). Then there's Drinking with Comics. Then there's comics. Today was the return - after 8 years - of David Lapham's Stray Bullets. I woke up at 4:30 AM, got to work by 5:41 AM, left work at about 2:45 PM, drove to The Comic Bug, picked up my pull list, which included the looooooong awaited Stray Bullets #41, which finally gave closure to an 8 year cliffhanger and wrapped up the Hi-Jinks and Derring-Doo phase of the book and saw, also today, the launch of Stray Bullets: Killers #1. Lapham promises it gets better from here. I believe him. I'm really sorry to say good bye to Virginia Applejack though, even if only for an issue. Anyway, more about SB in Thee Comic Column this week on Saturday. For now I brought it up to say I gave myself a day off, came home from the shop, smoked and read my comics. It was nice, oh so nice.

In the interim my friend Chester from Joup sent me this link and I was just blown away. I'm very close to a re-watching of Twin Peaks and this might just be the thing that puts me over the edge.

Saturday, February 1, 2014

Trailer: Denis Villeneuve's Enemy

Based on the absolutely breathtaking power of Villeneuve's Prisoners (which easily made it into my top films of last year) I can not wait to see this, his second film in a row with Jake Gyllenhaal. Couple with that the fact that I have always had a fascination with doppelgangers - well, ever since the days of Twin Peaks back in the early 90's - and I am simply unable to quantify my anticipation for Enemy at this time.

Monday, December 16, 2013

The Twin Peaks Cast Recorded a 12 Days of Xmas

Mr. Brown, if you read this you just made my day good sir! Not the traditional 12 days you know, this is specific to Twin Peaks and is sung by actual cast members. And the kicker - it was apparently recorded for my beloved Kevin and Bean back in 1990!