Sunday, June 9, 2013

Neil Gaiman on Iain Banks' Passing

image courtesy of
I've never read any book by Iain Banks. Before I worked at the bookstore, from '06-'11 I don't know that I even really knew who he was. But when you work at a bookstore you get to really see a lot of store you have missed or would undoubtedly miss, and once I started handling his books I started reading about him online. He's been in my 'I'll get to it' que since, along with Charles De Lint, John Scalzi and a host of others.

And now he's dead.

Of course his passing affects me in a removed way, but it affects me nonetheless - in a way every human beings does when we stop to pay attention to the idea of essence slipping away and disappearing from our world. But the death of Iain Banks (aka Iain M. Banks) does not affect me as it does those who were fans, or those who knew him.

Or those lucky enough to fall into both of those categories, as Neil Gaiman so obviously does, as evidenced in this heartfelt reaction here.

Friday, June 7, 2013

A Film Based on Irvine Welsh's Filth? Yep. Trailer

This novel is incredible. It also features pages "narrated' by the lead character's tape worm. I wonder if that will make it into the movie.

Thursday, June 6, 2013

Aimee Mann & Ted Leo: #Both - Voices Carry

HOLY PETER FAULK!!! This is a thing? I just discovered #Both - a project that is Aimee Mann AND Ted freakin' Leo! And the first thing I land on when I youtube it? Ted Leo helping her play one of my favorite songs EVER!!!

QOTSA!!! Yell it from the rooftops!!!

If you're a fan and haven't bought this yet you need to. If you're unfamiliar with one of the greatest rock bands of the last decade and a half then go get Rated R and work your way up to this.

V/H/S/ 2 on VOD Now

Courtesy of Bloodydisgusting.

Gigwise: Interview/Performance by The Neighbourhood

image courtesy of
Gigwise has a fantastic little interview/performance by one of my current favorite bands, The Neighbourhood, here.

Queens of the Stone Age ...Like Clockwork

image courtesy of
This album is incredible and has been one of the best first listens in a year so far packed with pretty fantastic first listens. Read my take on Joup: Queens of the Stone Age ...Like Clockwork