Wednesday, July 31, 2013

Windhand - Woodbine

I've never heard Windhand before, but I saw the album cover on Brooklyn Vegan here and had to know if it sounded like it looks. It does. What's more, from the opening note of this track I knew I loved it. Then the vocals kicked in and I REALLY LOVED it. Spectral, thick and heavy but melodic. Reminds me a little of The Work Which Transforms God-era Blut Aus Nord (the vocals more than anything else) meets Electric Wizard. Really cool. Here's the trailer for the album out soon on Relapse, and if you hit that BV link up top there's some more information on that always awesome site!

Sunday, July 28, 2013

Liner Notes

Some of my favorite things in the world are the Liner Notes in old Black Sabbath albums. There's something so... clinical and pragmatic about the way they're written. Just their inclusion in the packaging flies in the face of anything you'd ever see in most of the music industry today, so they are very much evocative of the time and compliment listening to the records quite nicely.

The Actual Farmhouse from The Conjuring

I saw The Conjuring yesterday. Fantastic! I've been waiting almost twenty years for someone to make a movie out of the stories I read in Ed and Lorraine Warren's The Demonologist. Finally it's happened and we once again have James Wan to thank for doing such a great job. I'm writing a piece about the Warrens for Joup, in the meantime I will post whatever I dig up in the research here, starting with this retrospective of the farmhouse the movie is based on, the most recent owner Norma Sutcliffe interviewed by the eldest daughter of the Perron family - the family whose experiences the movie is based on.


Another case of something I watched for everyday for so long and then, the moment I stopped watching it arrived. I like all Man Man's records but 2011's Life Fantastic, to me, was really a level up. It still receives regular play in my car and now we have On Oni Pond due Sept. 10th on ANTI. If Head ON is any indication, this will be another game changer for the band.

Dunkleziffer - See It

DJ extraordinaire Mario Cotto just played this on KCRW - it made my night!

Saturday, July 27, 2013

My Take on Summer Slaughter, 7.20.13 HOB Sunset Strip

image courtesy of my own bad self
Stupid name for a tour but a pretty awesome show. Read my dissertation on Joup here.

Boom! Studios' Day Men

image courtesy of
New comic from Boom! Studios - read about it in this week's edition of Thee Comic Column on Joup here!