Thursday, November 7, 2013

Revocation - The Grip Tightens Video

I did not know about this video until just now! I found out about Revocation back in July when I saw them on the Summer Slaughter tour - I became an instant fan. If you're into metal at all go here and download their free Teratogenesis EP released via Scion AV. It is probably my most-listened to album of the year. This video made me laugh my ass off even if it does slightly obscure the really poignant topic of the song. More of Revocation's awesome music is available on their bandcamp here.

Terry Gilliam's Zero Theorem

I completely let this one slip from my radar after the initial announcement and poster release back in the spring. Terry Gilliam has made several of my all time favorite films, including Brazil, 12 Monkeys, Time Bandits and The Adventures of Baron Munchausen. Oh yeah, and a little film called Fear and Loathing in Las Vegas. Some people say his adherence to the dystopian future theme is a one-note on the piano scenario but I don't see it that way. I see it as a prophet (because Brazil is VERY prophetic from when it was released to what our world is like now) refining his vision as more and more information becomes available over time.

Can't wait for this.

The Deftones Cover Cocteau Twins' Wax and Wane

HOLY COW!!! Look what I found while perusing the youtubes for the previous post. I had no idea this existed.

Snowbird/Cocteau Twins

I didn't realize until just now that Simon Raymonde of Cocteau Twins was the Simon in Snowbird. Although I consider myself a huge fan of the Cocteau that I'm familiar with it is a somewhat limited vocabulary. I fell in love with Heaven or Las Vegas years ago, followed by Treasure and Victorialand. Then a year or two ago a friend burned me EVERYTHING else the band ever recorded and I've been slow to move through it because, well, I feel a skosh guilty about all that free music. My guilt has prevented me from really diving into the band's catalogue, however the one album I did que up and immediately become enamored with is Garlands. Wax and Wane is below - it's probably my favorite song off the album and a really good indication of the dark, ethereal and more than a little Cure-like tone of the record. When I eventually ante up and buy Garlands I suppose I'll move onto another one of their records. Not sure which first, so any suggestions would be greatly appreciated.

Wednesday, November 6, 2013

Mindful Cyborg Epsidoe 13

I've said it before and I'll say it again - if you're not reading Technoccult you are missing some of the most fascinating content on the net. I've not had the time to check out associated podcast Mindful Cyborg but that is (hopefully) going to change today.

The Neighbourhood - Afraid

Haven't turned this record in a while as I've been doing a lot of various metal to fit with the shorter days. The Neighbourhood's I Love You is still probably going to come in as my album of the year. And cool thing with this video? It's a different version of the song than is on the record!

Take that warning at the beginning of the video seriously, but it didn't seem to bother me and if you're a regular here you know about what that infamous David Lynch/NIN video did to me earlier in the year.

Woody Harrelson & Christian Bale in Out of the Furnace (via Latino Review)

Latino Review is BY FAR the best movie news site around and it is to their page I gleefully redirect you  now to learn more about this film, Out of the Furnace, which appears will be a high-level Oscar contender this year. I love a lot of different kinds of movies, but truth be told Oscar season, which we are now in the earliest weeks of, is my favorite. November and December - when a year is good and not suffering from Hollywood carrying tentpole seasons on for prolonged profit as they did in what I think was 2010 (or was it 2011? One year recently all we had was tentpoles up through years end if I remember correctly, with hardly an h'oeuvres tray worth of serious cinema) these are the months where my local cinema truly becomes a cathedral for me. Anyway, thus far we have12 Years a Slave, Captain Phillips, Gravity and All is Lost and then here comes news of this, a serious film with performances by two actors I really like but do not always appear in A level work. Just from this clip we see both Woody Harrelson and Christian Bale have a sort of gravity to their performance that registers as "this movie means business" - or at least it appears to by the clip. I'm intrigued and this may be the first film of 2013's Oscar season that I am really looking forward too.