Wednesday, March 12, 2014

David Lynch - Twin Peaks 25 Years Later...

So I'm not entirely sure how I missed this. Obviously, if you drop by here at least once in a while you'll see my output is waaay down. So busy. It's work, and it's reaching 412 usable pages in my novel and still going strong (probably about double that when you add exploratory/what's getting tossed or re-worked). Then there's Drinking with Comics. Then there's comics. Today was the return - after 8 years - of David Lapham's Stray Bullets. I woke up at 4:30 AM, got to work by 5:41 AM, left work at about 2:45 PM, drove to The Comic Bug, picked up my pull list, which included the looooooong awaited Stray Bullets #41, which finally gave closure to an 8 year cliffhanger and wrapped up the Hi-Jinks and Derring-Doo phase of the book and saw, also today, the launch of Stray Bullets: Killers #1. Lapham promises it gets better from here. I believe him. I'm really sorry to say good bye to Virginia Applejack though, even if only for an issue. Anyway, more about SB in Thee Comic Column this week on Saturday. For now I brought it up to say I gave myself a day off, came home from the shop, smoked and read my comics. It was nice, oh so nice.

In the interim my friend Chester from Joup sent me this link and I was just blown away. I'm very close to a re-watching of Twin Peaks and this might just be the thing that puts me over the edge.

Saturday, March 8, 2014

Thursday, March 6, 2014

Sin City: A Dame to Kill For - Trailer (FINALLY)

I know everyone has already seen this but I like to post this stuff here anyway, as a sort of collection of things I dig. And even though it seems as though FM has basically become a complete right-wing lunatic, I am still very much looking forward to this. The first Sin City was quite possibly the first comic book adaptation I ever liked up until that point. This looks as though it should follow suit.

Blue Meanies - Smash the Magnavox

I don't know about you but I could sure use some high octane music to help my coffee out this morning. The Blue Meanies always do nicely. Musical Meth.

Infliction Trailer

I'm not going to lie - despite being a fairly rabid horror fan, over the last year and a half I've developed a sensitivity to violent content. It's not the actual violence but the way in which it is framed.

Kind of weird for a "rabid horror fan", right?

Serial/spree killer topics have always gotten too deep under my skin - it's why I've staunchly avoided Henry, Portrait of a Serial Killer, why I've only seen Silence of the Lambs - which I consider just an expertly made film - once, and why despite my sheer LOVE of the script, camera work, set design, acting and pretty much every thing else about David Fincher's Se7en I've only seen it twice. It's why I've never seen Michael Haneke's Funny Games and have actually had to stop reading reviews/critical responses to several of his other films. Within the last two years person-on-person violence has been amped up - hell, even the How to Destroy Angels video for How Long was too much for me. However I'm also the kind of person that does not confuse my prejudices/peccadilloes with judgement. Just because something is not for me or falls into this category of stories/images I do not think it wise for me myself to consume, that doesn't mean I think its bad. On the contrary, there is a lot of very well made, poignant stuff out there that I just - at the moment - choose to stay away from. Case in point - Infliction. The trailer and website launched yesterday, and despite the fact that I can already tell this is probably something I won't see (at least in the immediate future) the film looks well made, fiercely independent and I'm digging the campaign behind it. Watch the trailer and if you're down, check it out. Independent cinema is now as important as independent music, so we have to support what we like (even if we're "afraid" to watch it).

Tuesday, March 4, 2014

The Effigies - Below the Drop

Continuing the "Old School" theme. This is such a fucking classic that it instantly pulls me back in time to 1992. Back then this was just incidental music at the house where my degenerate friends and I hung out, a backdrop to suburban debauchery. However, it came to mean so much more to me as I grew and learned to place it in the proper historical context.

New Pixies Video - Greens and Blues

With both this song and the video, I kind of feel like it's 1992 and I'm watching 120 Minutes. The new Pixies stuff is getting some hate but I just don't see it - everything I've heard thus far sounds exactly like its picking up where the band left off - and I'm the guy that didn't want Frank Black to deviate from his constant succession of amazing solo records to go back to this band.