Tuesday, February 18, 2014

YES! New Afghan Whigs Single - Algiers

A little hot under the collar after dealing with american airlines - don't fly them folks, trust me, just don't - but this is helping smooth out those rough edges. A few weeks ago Bob Odenkirk of all people let slip that his good friend Greg Dulli informed me the Whigs have an album coming out on April 15th. We all knew there had to be a new record on the horizon after the Whigs' come back tour last year and the two free-download singles on their website, we just didn't know when. Well, since news of the record left good ol' Saul Goodman's mouth I've had to keep myself busy as the almost infinite stretch of time between life in the moment and 4/15/14 has, on more than one occasion thus far, nearly driven me mad. Of course when news like this comes down the wire I run straight to my CD's and pull out all my Whigs, along with anything I have by the Twilight Singers and The Gutter Twins, but all that really does is further add to the frustration - frustration that makes waiting for the fabled date is more akin to watching a kettle boil that is on a burner that continually goes out. And now today the band, as if sensing its fans' madness ("Sixteen bloody years and NO I can't wait another two months") has released the first single/video from the forthcoming Do To the Beast.

Thank you Greg Dulli and fellow Whigs. You've helped sooth an otherwise frustrating day.

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