Friday, August 18, 2023

Baroness - Shine


Baroness dropped another new track from their upcoming Stone, out September 15th. I'm really digging everything I've heard so far, and I adore this album art for this one; every album features Frontman John Dyer Baizley's paintings and all of them are fantastic. This one does something specific for me, apparently. Pre-order Stone HERE.


Based on the description Bloody Disgusting gives in a recent article, I'm a little afraid of Karim Ouelhaj's new film Megalomaniac. That said, I made it about 7 seconds into the trailer and knew I wanted to see it:


That imagery, whatever it is, took my breath. I won't be watching any more of the trailer, but you can. You can also read the BD article HERE, or Meagan Navarro's review of the film HERE. I'm literally doing none of that. Megalomaniac is receiving US theatrical distribution on September 8th via Dark Star Pictures, although I'm fairly certain it will be limited and I won't get it here in Clarksville, so I'll be keeping an eye open on VOD streaming platforms.


Cristobal Tapia De Veer - Smile OST
Perturbator - Dangerous Days
Windhand - Eponymous
Count Gorgann - Corpse Eater: Satanic Misery Live for the Dead
Various - Lords of Salem OST
Perturbator - Lustful Sacraments
Melvins & Lustmord - Pigs of the Roman Empire


About to head out for the six-plus hour drive up to Chicago for the weekend, so just a quick (but important) Pull. I still try and use Missi's Raven Deck for occasions such as these, where Arcana is all I really need:

Don't struggle against change. Prescient for sure, for reasons I won't go into here.

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