From 2000's The Night, Morphine's final album. Excellent track to close out their discography and career, even if their end came way too early. I'm realizing tonight that this past July 3rd marked the twenty-fifth anniversary of Mark Sandman's death. Twenty-five years...
Nirvana - Dive (single)
NIN - Year Zero
Crippled Black Phoenix - The Wolf Changes Its Fur But Not Its Nature
Oranssi Pazuzu - Muuntautuja
Amigo the Devil - Yours Until the War is Over
Drug Church - Prude
Ozzy Osbourne - Patient No. 9
Me and That Man - New Man, New Songs, Same Shit Vol. 1
Mastodon - Once More 'Round the Sun
Morphine - The Night
Prince - Sign O' the Times
The Bangles - Angels Don't Fall in Love (B-side to Walk Like an Egyptian single)
Smashing Pumpkins - Drown (single)
Sonic Youth - Washing Machine
ten Athlone - Street Trash (single)
Dreamkid - Daggers
Today's card for study is XVII: The Star:
Yeah, I know I usually kind of poke fun at Crowley's writings on these cards, but this is one I actually really like his entry for. Nuith - the Lady of the Stars. Allow me to quote directly from The Book of Thoth:
"The Universe is here resolved into its ultimate elements... Behind the figure of the goddess is the celestial globe. Most prominent among its features is the seven-pointed star of Venus, as if declaring the principal characteristic of her nature to be Love. From the golden cup she pours ethereal water, which is also milk and oil and blood, upon her own head, indicating the eternal renewal of the categories, the inexhaustible possibilities of existence."
This is everything. I've come to realize that while the Thoth Trumps build toward the climax of Crowley's Magickal worldview, to me, The Star is the essence of life. Maybe not of reality, but of life as we know it as humans. Perpetual renewal. The image shows Nuith, the cosmic mother, essentially bailing the waters of life over herself. She is literally awash in the essence of life. This is a coded representation of humanity - we're supposed to renew. To bail. Instead, we situate and stagnate. This card is a reminder to live Life.
From the Girmoire: "Create unto and within yourself a Universe, shaped of your strengths and built upon your accomplishments as a foundation."
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