Showing posts with label Anthony Bourdain. Show all posts
Showing posts with label Anthony Bourdain. Show all posts

Tuesday, March 1, 2022

Mark Lanegan's Strange Religion (Anthony Bourdain Outro)


And thanks to my good friend Seth for the link to this one. What a beautiful way to end Mark Lanegan week.   


I know it's waaaay early, but I'm going on record: So far, Hellbender - or stylized as H6llb6nd6r - is the movie to beat for my favorite movie of the year:


This is another film by the Adams family - Tobey Poser, her husband John Adams and their two daughters Lulu and Zelda - who released The Deeper You Dig in 2019 and have been gaining an increasing amount of notoriety as a family of ridiculously talented individuals. Even the music they did for the movie is fantastic and begs for a proper release. 


The Afghan Whigs - In Spades
The Cure - Faith
The Cure - Carnage Visors
QOTSA - Lullabies to Paralyze
Mark Lanegan Band - Blues Funeral 
Walking Papers - The Light Below
Black Road - Witch of the Future
Black Sabbath - Master of Reality
Silent - Modern Hate
Ritual Howls - Into the Water


Again? I need some time to process this. Or maybe that's the point. While I keep trying to figure certain things out, the Wheel keeps spinning, and the situation changes.