I mean it like it is. Like it sounds.
Inside there is pre-release news on the then-upcoming, original eight New Universe titles, as well as articles hyping the Mutant Massacre, G.I.Joe vs. Transformers, and a Spider-Man vs. Wolverine 64-page one-shot special. Pretty cool to go back and read this stuff. Also, the layout and design of all the 1986 Marvel Comics, with their key-character border around the cover image, has always been something I love very much, probably as they lined the shelves at the time I really fell in love with reading comics.
This. Looks. Incredible.I don't think I was even aware this Bowie doc was on the horizon.
Dollar Bin:
One of my prized possessions is a beat-up old copy of Marvel Age Annual #2. This pretty much monetarily worthless periodical celebrates the first 25 years of Marvel Comics, and as such, it looks back on many key moments from Marvel Comics, as well as offering little one and two-page spreads that tease upcoming storylines in Captain America and Uncanny X-Men, among other titles. Because I love this book so much as a document of an era in my life, I recently jumped on another Marvel Age when I found it in a Dollar Bin.
Okay, I didn't exactly find this one in a Dollar Bin, as while I did purchase Marvel Age #44 for $1.00, it was not from a physical shop's bin, but from an eBay seller. Still, cost-wise it counts, and it's timely (see last week's Dollar Bin).
Alustrium - A Monument to Silence
Yard Act - The Overload
Carpenter Brut - Leather Terror
Tones on Tail - Everything
Mastodon - Hushed and Grim
The personification of a lot of issues I've had on my mind after a week-end of consciousness-raising viewing.