I'm a couple days late with this but talk about shitty news. Here's to your fuck, Ben.
Somewhere in the intervening years I completely forgot about this one, until Vinegar Syndrome announced a new, restored version they're releasing at the end of this month. Pre-orders are closed - I didn't act fast enough while I tried to figure out if it was worth spending the money on when I'm still really limiting my frivolous expenses in preparation for moving across the country - but I believe will go live again for VS's Black Friday sale.
So is Creature worth it? Well, as I stated in my quickie Letterbxd review, this film isn't great and it's not even really good, however, I feel like there are echoes within echoes that lead me back to this one. Probably the best of those 80s Sci-Fi Monster-in-Space Horror flicks that ballooned overnight as a response to the success of Ridley Scott's Alien, Creature reeks of the B-Movie, down-n-dirty pulp atmosphere that a low budget required filmmakers excel at in order to make up for the otherwise lack of expensive sets/props/production value. And from this era, that's not a bad thing in my book. Well, not in this case, anyway. Creature is a pinnacle of the zeitgeist landslide of cheap and fast Sci-Fi that created a zeitgeist in the 80s, one that washed up on the shores of comics, role-playing, and all kinds of other geek-centric mediums. Watching it for the first time at 45, Creature felt like a well-spent hour and forty-odd minutes that triggered all kinds of peripheral genre memories, or as I've come to think of them, PGMs. So yeah, I'll probably plunk down the $$$ for this one. Would make a fantastic double feature with Richard Stanley's Hardware.
Pilot Priest and Electric Youth - Come True OST
Dream Division - Beyond the Mirror's Image
Mastodon - Hushed and Grim
Soviet Soviet - Fate
Motörhead - Ace of Spades
Ted Leo and the Pharmacists - Shake the Sheets
Nick Cave and the Bad Seeds - Let Love In
The Who - Live at Leeds
Odonis Odonis - Spectrums
Odonis Odonis - Post Plague
Perturbator - Lustful Sacraments
The Fixx - Reach the Beach
Keeping a keen eye out for portents and omens today.