Thursday, April 4, 2013

RIP Roger Ebert

Didn't always agree with the man, but he was a strong, wonderful person and I'm sad to see him go. One of two icons from my home town. I grew up watching these guys and they were the first adults I saw take film as seriously as I did. Of course back then I disagreed with most of what they said and just watched the show for the movie clips - I thought movies with Arnold were great and these guys' criticisms of them were ridiculous.

Boy did I learn.

Rest in Peace to You, Mr. Ebert. Reunited with Your friend I'd like to think there's some hearty discussion going on somewhere in the After-Realms.

American Psycho + Huey Lewis + Weird Al = ...

... smiles.

It's apparently the 30th Anniversary of "Sports" - not the pastime, the album. I love that album, just like I love Bret Easton Ellis' American Psycho. Not super crazy about the film, not because I think it's bad but I'm just so attached to what the book does to the reader - really, really puts them in Patrick Bateman's head (a fucked up place to be) and by nature a film has trouble doing that to the same degree a book - especially a book written by Bret Easton Ellis - can. But I always loved this scene and this is just fantastic.

And then there's Weird Al, who is all kinds of awesome, even if I really only listen from a distance. But the man's a comedy music institution.

The Besnard Lakes - People of the Sticks

This band... my god. Until In Excess, Imperceptible UFO came out Tuesday. I'm a douche and still haven't had a chance to buy what should have been a "day of" pilgrimage to the record store for me.