Monday, May 27, 2013

New Boards of Canada - Cold Earth

Via via Pitchfork: New Boards of Canada (reportedly) that was premiered before Squarepusher's set last night (Sunday, 5/26/13) at the Movement Electronic Music Festival in Detroit.

I can't wait for this record. BoC have figured heavily into my listening habits ever since they really hooked me back in the early oughts, and this year especially I've been going through jags of drowning myself in Geogaddi & 2000's ep "In a Beautiful Place out in the Country" - they're fantastic writing music.

Sunday, May 26, 2013

Lace Curtain - Falling

Via Heavenisanincubator. This is just FAN-FUCKING-TASTIC!!!

Nostalgia Works in Weird, Weird Ways My Friends

UPDATE: and it would help if I included the video I'm discussing, eh?

Okay, my 80's nostalgia might be drifitng into a dangerous place with this one. I'm sitting in a CBTL working on my novel, using the brilliance that is heavenisanincubator as a soundtrack to finally cut the bullshit and get through these two chapters that are essentially going to make up about a third of the second act of the story but that have sprawled to over 15k words and need some SERIOUS editing. Inbetween tracks the silence from my headphones reveals this song playing on the overhead - it meets with a favorable reaction from me and I linger there listening before looking it up, as I realize I have no idea who sings it.

Nu shooz? Really? Still, in the moment I find that I not only don't hate it (as I'm sure I have at some point in the past) but I'm actually liking it. And it helps me eek around a narrative corner I was until moments ago stuck on, so it gets the benefit of a post. And now that that's all done, it's back to the really good stuff.

Telefon Tel Aviv - Your Every Idol/You are the Worst Thing in the World

The first time I heard these guys it was this track. I had it in our desktop mac and didn't even realize it, had never heard it before. I took a post-work nap and as I came to, swimming in and out of the realm of dreams in the gathering twilight this faded in and stole my imagination. I've been a fan ever since.

Pantha du Prince - A Nomad's Retreat

From the Black Noise album (2010)

Clip (via Aintitcool) - Drafthouse Film's "A Band Called Death"

No this is not about the band that once sang "bathe in blood of the one you've just killed." This is about these awesome, protopunk pioneers:

Thee Comic Column #38

image courtesy of
Thee Comic Column #38 - Wherein I lay out a somewhat hasty trip down Marvel Memory Lane to some of my favorite "Guest-Starring" Arcs of the late 80's/early 90's.