Wednesday, June 5, 2013

New NIN single Came Back Haunted

Insidious 2 Trailer

The first Insidious was one of the first genuinely new 'scary' movies I'd seen in a long time. This looks like it may be a bit of a re-hash, ala the Poltergeist sequels, but I'm still going to give it the benefit of the doubt. That scene in this trailer at 0:40 seconds gave me a chill.

Liz Phair - Never Said

... and then there's this PERFECT little song. SO awesome.

Best Coast - Boyfriend

... and since we're talking about groups that remind me of Liz Phair. I'll admit, I like Best Coast quite a bit - like Phair's early music Bethany Cosentino has one of those vocal presences that immediately made me have a crush on her (like Phair once did). However, I've never liked anything I've heard from this band as much as I like this particular song. It all comes together here - the vocals, backing vocals and that luscious reverb-saturated guitar/drums really take me someplace.

Waxahatchee - Coast to Coast

My cousin Charles recommended this group to me recently. I perused them on Spotify but my mind's been in a million places lately (and 999,999 of those places have been QOTSA) and they didn't click. Then I encountered this video on Pitchfork this morning and was immediately taken aback by how much it reminds me of Exile in Guyville-era Liz Phair.

Pretty cool (not that I doubted it - Charles has excellent taste in music)

Savages on Fallon

This band is just so damn good. Via Pitchfork.

New Divine Fits

I'm largely unfamiliar with everyone in The Divine Fits - in spite of my wife and a lot of my friends' really liking Spoon I'm kind of on the outskirts of that - I like what I've heard of them, but have never really been moved to get into their music. That said, Mr. Brown gave me The Divine Fits record last year and I really dug it. Now via here's a new song they premiered live recently.