Sunday, September 22, 2013

Annotations for Grant Morrison's Batman

image courtesy of
No, I didn't write them, but I list them and give the massive props due to those brave souls who did in this week's Thee Comic Column on Joup!


In honor of the fact that Jon Spencer Blues Explosion is playing a free show tonight in NY (see Brooklyn Vegan here if you're there and want to try your luck at attending) I thought I'd post my all-time favorite song by the band. Of course, it's not quite the same when r i got soul doesn't bleed directly into get over here, but what can you do?

Deltron 3030 Ft. Mike Patton

You had me at Mike Patton, however despite my pervading prejudice against a lot of hip hop I dig this quite a bit and the video is fantastic. Very urban ex., steampunk, dystopian visuals and great low budget costume design.

Ghost - Papaganda Episode One: The Olde One

My good friend Tori is the one who turned me on to Ghost back when Opus Eponymous was released. I dug the album but there was something that kept me from really loving it. There seemed to be a certain... I don't know if lethargy is the exact right word, but it's the word I always think of when I listen to or contemplate that album. When the hype started for the band's second album, this year's Infestissumam Tori told me she thought the band had switched singers. This intrigued me, however once the album came out and I found that it did everything so much better than the previous one did I found it hard to reconcile the idea of the singer having been changed. Well, unless this is an elaborate hoax - which it might be - this video show's that Tori was completely correct.

Saturday, September 21, 2013

Bells into Machines - Chris Connelly & Paul Barker Reunited!!!

Holy cow does this make super extra happy! Chris Connelly and Paul Barker in a new band together? Go to their website here or their facebook here and shower them with love folks, this is going to be great!

23 Skiddo

One of those bands I have always read about and yet they've stained perpetually on my peripheral radar. So this is a first experience for me. And it is a fantastic first experience.