Tuesday, August 8, 2017

Evolution of the Arm: A Twin Peaks Discussion (Ep. 13 "What Story is that, Charlie?")

Hands down the most frustrating episode of the series to date. Better upon second viewing but then again I don't pretend to expect David Lynch or Mark Frost to do anything other than what they want. I'll still be here cheering it on. Even if it frustrates me so this close to the end.

Wednesday, August 2, 2017

Evolution of the Arm: A Twin Peaks Discussion (Ep. 12 "Let's Rock")

Watched this in the Seatac airport on my way back from Twin Peaks Fest 2017. First time through was super-charged up front and disappointing on the back end. Second time through I really dug.

Monday, July 31, 2017

The Genesis of Preacher - A Preacher Discussion (Season 2, Ep 6)

We missed a couple due to my surgery, subsequent escape to Twin Peaks Fest and Chris's jaunt down to San Diego Comic con. With Episode 6, we're back!

Sunday, July 16, 2017

The Genesis of Preacher

Along with the Twin Peaks video series I'm also doing a weekly after-episode discussion video on AMC's Preacher with Chris Saunders, one of my co-hosts on Drinking with Comics. Chris is helming the editing on this one and he's doing an outstanding job. I still have my issues with the series but overall this second season has more often than not delighted me, and we're trying to spend about ten minutes a week covering how the show deviates from the book, what we like and don't like about those deviations, and occasionally theorizing about where this version of the series is headed.
As I mentioned in my post for Twin Peaks Episode 9 I've been backlogged with responsibilities and as such am a bit behind posting stuff on this blog. Here's the videos for our discussions about Preacher episodes 2 and 3, with 4 to follow early this week. After that I hope to return to posting these as they come out.