Wednesday, January 24, 2018

R.I.P. Mark E. Smith

On my way home this evening Mr. Brown sent me a text relaying the news that Mark E. Smith, mastermind behind Post-Punk legends The Fall, passed away today at the age of 60. I immediately knew what my tribute would be, however I'm still unsure where exactly this version of my favorite song by The Fall is originally from (I actually uploaded this one because I couldn't find it anywhere on youtube). I found this song, and conversely my appreciation of the band, via a weird compilation I bought in the early 2000's called either The Politics of Punk or The (S)hit Factory. Shortly thereafter on a trip to London, I visited as many record stores as possible and bought a handful of albums by the band, however I never located this version of Rowche Rumble, which remains as awesome today as it was the first time I heard it, no matter how many times in a row I listen to it.

RIP Mr. Smith. You've done good work and earned your rest.

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