Showing posts with label Deerskin. Show all posts
Showing posts with label Deerskin. Show all posts

Tuesday, January 9, 2024

David Bowie - Where Are We Now?

Eight years gone. I picked this song as it was Bowie's first song back after the eight-year hiatus that followed 2005's Reality. I vividly remember seeing the video pop up somewhere online at work that morning, and when I watched it, I felt such an amazing melancholy. It was almost as if Bowie had channeled all the uncertainty that had begun to bubble up in our society, and looking back on it now, I'm fairly certain he already knew he was sick. That makes Where Are We Now? something of a prequel to Black Star's Lazarus, the song I'm pretty sure everyone associates the most with his passing just three short years after this one's release.


I'm not at home to pick up my Pull at Rick's Comic City, however, here's what will be waiting for me:

Issue three of Syzmon Kurdranski's Blood Commandment. More people need to read this one. Beautiful and, although so far fairly straightforward, this book owns its tropes. This one's actually not on my Pull yet (I don't think), so I'll probably grab a copy at the Comic Bug next time I'm in the South Bay.

I loved the first issue of Andrew Krahnke's Bloodrik so very much, and have been dying to get my hands on this second issue. I might actually drop into the Bug and pick up a copy along with Blood Commandment.

Last week's first issue of The Fall of the House of X was pretty good, so here's to hoping its counterpart will also swing big and connect. I like that this is essentially a sequel to Hickman's "Dominion Future" arc from House and Powers and am curious to see how these two books work together to bring us into whatever the "Post Krakoa" era will be, even if I'm not necessarily planning to stick around for it.

Daniel Warren Johnson. 'Nuff said.


My good friend and Horror Vision co-conspirator John sent me this trailer last night. 


Despite my recently cultivated disgust with trailers, I watched this one. I figured Quentin Depieux's films are so f*#king out there, a teaser probably couldn't give anything away. 

I'm new to Dupieux's films. In fact, I've only seen Deerskin so far. However, I love that film in ways I can barely explain (although John, Missi, Anthony, and I try on THIS episode of The Horror Vision Presents: Elements of Horror) and am looking forward to burning through the rest of his filmography. 


Marilyn Manson - We Are Chaos
NIN - With Teeth
Danzig - 777: I Luciferi
Ganser - Odd Talk
Finom - Ghost (single)
FACS - Still Life in Decay
Colter Wall - Sleeping On Blacktop
The Damage Manual - Eponymous
Turnstile - Glow On
Rein - Reincarnated


From Jonathan Grimm's Hand of Doom Tarot, which you can buy HERE.

• Seven of Swords
• Four of Swords
* XII - Hanged Man

Tuesday, December 12, 2023

Perturbator - Dangerous


I had no idea this existed until just now. Love it (even if I'm not interested in reading the series; I'd rather just re-read the novel for the fifth or sixth time). Still, I applaud Sumerian for using their record label chops to strengthen their publishing ventures.


Two weeks ago, I watched Quentin Dupieux's Deerskin. This movie instantly became an all-time favorite film. 

I'd not seen Rubber, even though I'd heard good things. I posted the trailer to Wrong back in 2013 but never ended up seeing it. Now, I'm kind of obsessed with seeing all Dupieux's films. We did an Elements of Horror episode that just went up, a deep-dive into Deerskin and talking about it just made me love it more. Unfortunately, there is no standard-issue U.S. Blu-Ray; however, if you have a region-free player, there's a Region B on Amazon right now for a little over $10. TOTALLY worth it. 


After finishing Cassandra Khaw's Nothing But Blackened Teeth, I took a small detour from my next intended book and began re-reading the short stories in James Joyce's Dubliners

I like the idea of having a book of short stories I can go to here and there, and this is perfect for that. I'd never read all of these; this is a picture I found online of the edition I've had since sometime in late HS or early College, when I'm fairly certain volume-closing "The Dead" was assigned reading. I've been picking at these over the last few days, and will no doubt set it down soon to read my final book of the year, but while I'm on it, I'm loving the elegant prose and snapshot style, especially in "Eveline."


Moderat - II
Steve Moore - Christmas Bloody Christmas OST
Perturbator (Feat. Kabbel) - Dangerous (single)
Carpenter Brut - Blood Machines OST
Amigo the Devil - Everything is Fine
Opeth - Deliverance
Cocteau Twins - Garlands
Baroness - Stone


From Jonathan Grimm's Bound Tarot, which you can buy HERE.

• Five of Pentacles (Disks) - Earthly Conflict/Struggle
• Eight of Pentacles (Disks) - Earthly Transformation
• Ace of Swords - A breakthrough of intellect

This is one of the more mundane discussions I've had "with the cards," but I'm reading today's Pull as a definite nod to the conflict that always permeates our household between K's mother and myself. It's the age-old story of the mother-in-law syndrome, and I hate to fall into these kinds of "Life Tropes," however, the struggle is real, brothers and sisters. The message imparted here would seem to be "use your brain, not your anger," as I tend to steam for a while and then verbally lash out. Nothing too untoward, but arguments occur and maybe this year they don't have to.