Collaboration between NIN and Health.
A new show by the creators of Dark? I'd heard about this last year, but completely forgot about it.READ:
You may know C. Robert Cargill's name best as the co-writer of 2012's brilliant Horror movie Sinister. He's also a novelist, and although I'm unfamiliar with most of his work, I began his new novel Sea of Rust recently and can tell you it is fantastic.
The novel takes place in a world devoid of humanity. It's our world after the AI war that wipes us out, after AI factions off into super mainframe intelligence - there are two and the denizens of the novel refer to them as OWIs, or One World Intelligences - and rogue robots who fight for the freedom not to succumb to the edict of trading their selfhood for the ease of becoming part of the hivemind. There are so many analogs to our world here that it's crazy; from the Corporatization of everything to individuality in the age of our own accelerated (social media), that the book has an uncanny ability to feel in harmony with our lives even during the, frankly, pretty damn well-written action sequences. I'm really digging this one, and am moving Mr. Cargill to my 'pay attention to everything he does' list.
Turquoise Moon - The Sunset City
Myrkur - Folkesange
DJ Muggs the Black Goat - Dies Occidendum
Ennio Morricone - The Thing OSTJudas Priest - Painkiller
Kate Bush - The Dreaming
Zeal and Ardor - Devil is Fine