Showing posts with label Indiegogo. Show all posts
Showing posts with label Indiegogo. Show all posts

Thursday, February 1, 2024

Butthole Surfers Week Day 5

As though in total contrary to yesterday's post, here's Locust Abortion Technician at its grimiest. Is this my favorite track by the band? Might just be. I mean, this song is not only a total throwback to the earlier albums


Writer/Director/Producer/FX/Cinematographer/Everything else Doug Roos has released a teaser for his new film Bakemono along with a crowdfunding campaign to help add more practical FX to the film. 

The teaser is just enough to ramp up my anticipation. Anyone else get total The Void vibes from this? Also, check out this poster!

You can click HERE to travel over to the IndieGoGo page and back this/read more. The $100 level included a making of for the Practical FX, which might come in handy down the road. Roos explains the film is already shot, so this is all for icing on the proverbial Gore Cake, which I am all about. 


I really was not prepared for the angle Robert Kirkman and Joshua Williamson are taking for the new GIJOE Energon Universe. Although we've seen a few teasers and one full issue of Duke prior to the release of last week's Cobra Commander #1, it wasn't until Williamson got into old Chrome Dome's backstory for this series that we see this is definitely more akin to the Cartoon than Larry Hama's comic. And you know what? I'm alright with that.

SPOILERS below. You've been warned.

There is a lot to dislike about the original 80s GIJOE cartoon movie and the direction the show took after. There's also a lot of really cool ideas here, once you get past the insanely SciFi take on what Larry Hama made such a realistic property in the comics. Thanks to CC #1, we now see that, just like the Energon Universe's Transformers comic, this take on GIJOE is going to run closer to the cartoon. And I'll say, full-on Cobra-La excites me. The concepts are crazy and will fit in so nicely with how intertwined we already see Transformers and GIJOE are going to be (not to mention adding Void Rivals to the taepstry!) The revelation of both Cobra-La and that they have Megatron captive and are reverse engineering their technology from him sets an ENORMOUS stage for this series, and I'm exicted to see how the entire thing plays out without all the trappings and limitations that the movie/show had.


R0BBER - La Cosa Nostra EP
Butthole Surfers - Locust Abortion Technician
Cherry Cheeks - Lp2
Turnstile - Glow On
The Thirsty Crows - Hangman's Noose
Black Pumas - Chronicles of a Diamond
Disappears - Pre Language
Marilyn Manson - We Are Chaos
Baroness - Stone
Double Life - Indifferent Stars
Mannequin Pussy - I Got Heaven (pre-release singles)
Mannequin Pussy - Patience
Frank Sinatra - In the Wee Small Hours


I decided to jump back in on a new month with a single card draw from Missi's Raven deck.

• III: The Empress - Let's start with a quote from A.E. Waite:

"She is the inferior Garden of Eden, the Earthly Paradise, all that is symbolized by the visible house of man."

There's a lot here for me this morning. I have literally just returned to my own "House of Man," my Earthly Paradise. My home. It never really occurred to me while I spent the sixteen years that spanned the entirety of my thirties up through my early and mid-forties in LA that there was a way to carve out my own space in the world. By moving out of a major population center and leaving the rental lifestyle, K and I made our own paradise, and leaving it for weeks at a time is always a nice way to gain fresh perspective and appreciation. The Empress is oft associated with Love and Beauty, two attributes I couldn't associate with K more. The third Trump is also the path that bridges Chokmah (Knowlege - the Father) and Binah (Understanding - the Mother) on the Sephirothic Tree of Life. Interesting then that this is also the first time as an adult that my parents have become a regular social aspect of my life. Couple all this with the fact that today is the Eighth Anniversary of the day K and I met, and I believe The Empress has appeared to remind me to stop and take it all in. 

Tuesday, March 12, 2019

2019: March 12th

In Search of Darkness is the self-appointed, "Definitive 80s Horror Documentary." We've been knee-deep in horror docs at the moment, with both Horror Noire and Eli Roth's History of Horror landing on Shudder within a few weeks of one another, but who cares? I love watching these, hearing insider's interpretations, and building a scope for the tempest I grew up inside the eye of in the 80s. This is everything to pop culture at the moment, or at least the alleys of that culture that I traverse. Stranger Things is based on 80s Horror, Ash, Jack Burton, and Lucio Fulci all have current comic books on the shelves. John Carpenter makes records. Child Play's getting a TV show, and boutique Blu Ray imprints like Arrow, Vinegar Syndrome and Scream Factory and specialty streaming services like Shudder and Prime are making it possible for people to see movies they'd only ever heard of since those films disappeared off first-stage VHS rental shelves, never making the jump to disc. So why the hell would I not want someone to draw an outline around this behemoth?

The final Indiegogo is up now and ends on March 31st, link HERE.

Man, I walked into a book store the other day and hadn't realized Irvine Welsh released the 'Grand Finale of Transporting."

I felt so removed; I used to buy Welsh's books the day they dropped. But he's one of those authors I love SO much, his writing tends to steer my own, and I haven't had much space for that since starting to seriously work on Shadow Play, back in 2012 now. Of course, I've had a few long interstitial projects that have prolonged that, but really, this has been where I've learned to write genre, and there just wasn't room for a more literary pull in my voice. That's changing soon; I vowed to read at least one of the Welsh books I've missed this year, and now that there's a new chapter in the Trainspotters' lives, well, I guess I'll start there.

Wait, no. I believe I have to start with 2016's The Blade Arist, because I'm fairly certain this is what happens when Franco goes to America, which both amuses and terrifies me. Imagine Begby as your new neighbor. Nightmare fuel, that.

Playlist from 3/11:

John Cale - Black Acetate
Placebo - Meds
PJ Harvey - To Bring You My Love
Don Shirley - Don Shirley Trio
Erase Errata - Other Animals
Waxwork Records - House of Waxwork Issue #1 OST
Wink Lombardi and the Constellations - 10 Songs
Earth - Phase 3 - Thrones and Dominions
Chelsea Wolfe - Pain Is Beauty
Exhalants - Eponymous

Card of the day:

More Cups. Emotion and sensitivity as directed or acted upon by Fire. This is good. This will get me through the lag I've experienced in finishing the book, where daily life seems to be conspiring against my productivity. I'm saying it now: My birthday is on the 24th of this month. The reading of it will be done by then, which means a few days to listen to it, a few more to make changes based on that listening, and then it's done.