Tuesday, November 5, 2013

The Forest Children/Darkness Brings the Cold Bandcamp

Yep, shameless self promotion. I recently tired of paying digital distributer tunecore and took all our old stuff that was up on itunes, putting it on bandcamp. This right here - I've always been extremely proud of this. Recorded it with very limited equipment and an even more limited budget. Turned out pretty good I think (I still can't believe how I got the hi hats to sound in track 3).

Eyedress - Nature Trips

I know NOTHING about Eyedress. However, go to where I first heard this, my favorite music blog Heaven is an Incubator and you can read all about it.

Beyond the Black Rainbow

I watched this last year sometime - if you've not seen the whole thing it's worth watching at least once. However I'm fairly certain that the trailer is better than the movie and serves as an easy way to scratch the particular visual/aural itch the film will lay eggs for in the back of your mind.

Can't wait to see what the director does next.

Ty Segall - The Man Man

The. Fucking. Bomb.

Banjo & Sullivan - I'm at Home Getting Hammered While She's Out Getting Nailed

Re-watched Rob Zombie's The Devil's Rejects last Saturday night. I've always really liked the film, but this time it really stuck with me. I'm pretty much not a fan of any of his other films besides this one and House of a Thousand Corpses, although I think he is an incredible filmmaker. I know that sounds contrarian, suffice it to say the man has a great eye and a wandering muse...

Most of the music in the film is pretty great. The final sequence even qualifies as the only instance where I've ever been completely blown away by Free Bird. By all rights setting any scene to the entirety of that gratuitous ode to being a womanizing jerk should be awful, but RZ killed it.

The actors all put in fantastic performances, especially Bill Moseley, who if I remember reading correctly was absolutely sickened by the scene where he introduces the handgun to Priscilla Barnes' panties. The entire Banjo and Sullivan cast was fantastic and it was very cool that the soundtrack fleshed out their stories with this clippin' little ditty that, listening to now, I wish I could have heard Ween cover live back in the day.

Louvin Brothers - Satan is REAL!!!

How do I not follow up that last post with this down home classic? Mr. Brown sent me the Light in the Attic re-issue of this last year and it is phenomenal!!!

Banned Exorcist Trailer from 1973 (via Bloody Disgusting)

Major props to the always awesome Bloody Disgusting for posting this. To me Friedkin's The Exorcist is still the scariest movie ever made. Interestingly enough though last year I purchased the "Version you've never seen before" DVD and it seemed like the editing was waaaaay different, to the point that the same palpable menace did not settle over the room as I watched it. Now, this could have been because I had several friends over for the viewing, although the viewing previous to that one saw myself and at least three friends sit in the dark and watch the film. That particular viewing I remember being too scared to even get up and answer the call of nature, for a time. I'll have to A and B the versions at some point.