Thursday, June 22, 2017


This video makes me extremely happy.

Remember in 2013 when Queens of the Stone Age teased the hell out of us for what seemed like -and may very well have been - months before ... Like Clockwork was released? Well, they did it a bit this time too, in the run-up to their forthcoming album Villains. Wait, is that the name? Well, let's take a look at this video and see.

Dead Cross - Seizure and Desist

Well, about time I posted something that didn't revolve around Twin Peaks, eh? This landed sometime within the last week. So did news Dead Cross is touring. I'm so in.

Friday, June 16, 2017

Drinking with Comics on... Preacher

The first in the new DwC "after hours" shorts.

We've had trouble drumming up views lately and of course this is, as so many people tell me, because the regular version of the show is too long. Okay, I get it; we always functioned better as an iTunes podcast anyway, as longer content often does. That said, I've always wanted to make Drinking with Comics more akin to a late night show, specifically Lettermen. But people don't really watch that kind of content on youtube, or at least not the audience we're most naturally speaking to. So what to do?

Well, Chris has an amazing home and as I think is proven by this video, his reading room makes a fantastic backdrop for soused discussion. So we thought, why not start shooting some shorter bits, putting them up and see what happens? So, here's the first one, wherein we discuss Preacher, both the comic and the AMC adaptation. You'll notice the sound and lights are quite there, but we felt the content was strong enough to go ahead and post. Next one of these should be considerably better in the production department, though I'm definitely not knocking Chris's skills in putting it together. I edit most everything else and it is both a pleasure and a relief to have someone so talented to back me up.

So raise a glass and let's talk about Preacher. If you agree, disagree, whatever, leave a comment on the video. And if you're into it, please subscribe to our channel - more goodness coming!

Thursday, June 8, 2017

Johnny Jewel - Windswept

Buy of the goddamn century folks! Over at Italians Do It Better's Big Cartel Johnny Jewel has an album's worth of Twin Peaks related music up for download for $1.00.

One Dollar!

I snatched it earlier and along with that Trouble 45 it has made the wait between last week's episode five of Twin Peaks and this coming Sunday's somewhat more bearable.


Here's one of the tracks, The Flame.

Tuesday, June 6, 2017

Trouble - Snake Eyes

Did you watch Twin Peaks: The Return episode #5 Sunday night? If you did you saw the creepy ass scene that introduced a scummy new lunatic the credits informed us was Richard Horne. This was the show-stopping wham-bang number that played through it with Trouble on the stage at the Roadhouse. Trouble - featuring long time David Lynch musical/audio collaborator Dean Hurley - has a bandcamp here where you can buy this and another track.

Here's a quote from the site that I believe perfectly encapsulates the vibe of the music Lynch often peppers his fictional drinking holes with:

"Snakes Eyes effectively harkens back to a time when noir R&B was the de-facto soundtrack to hard liquor violence."

Now if that's not poetry I don't know what is. I'd like for "Hard Liquor Violence to henceforth be know as a genre.