Wednesday, May 1, 2024

NIB for NCBD before FCBD

'Nuff said.


I've spent a bunch of time tightening up my Pull list for the coming months, and I'm happy to say I'm all right jumping off so many titles. The books that really move me these days are Kirkman's Energon Universe titles, anything Brubaker and Phillips or Lemire and Sorrentino do, and a few titles beyond. There's always the chance I'll find something interesting on the wall at the shop, or that my erstwhile AMHL cohost Chris might shoot me a message about something I'd missed altogether, but for the most part, I'm feeling a distance from monthly comics again, and that's fine. Here's this week's Pull, complete with two FCBD editions that won't be available until Saturday.

The FCBD special for the aforementioned Energon Universe, and I can say I am excited as all hell to see Megatron on the cover. The idea that such a massive character has only been glimpsed once so far—and not even in his normal book—blows me away. Kirkman and crew have plotted these titles meticulously and, in doing so, raised expectations to a crescendo. Is now the time when those expectations pay off? I doubt it, but we'll see.

Possibly the last regular-continuity TMNT title I'll be reading for some time, if that's indeed what this book is. I know there's some occurrence of a character called The Night Watcher somewhere in the past continuity, but I am unfamiliar with or forgetful. Maybe the late 90s iteration that was written by Gary Carlson? 

WTFPFH? returns! Glad to have this one back, as the snarky approach to mystery, mayhem and the apocalypse is exactly the kind of thing I'm in the mood for at the moment. Something about Spring puts me in the mood for Indie comics. 

One more after this. As I said last week, and probably the week before, I'm really just counting the days to see this era through to the end, especially after seeing THIS. Good lord - all this wonderful potential, thrown away for a return to the status quo the X-Books drove into the ground for the better part of five decades. Ugh. They're even going with a design that harkens back to that horrible cover layout from the mid-to-late 90s. 


Paul Duane's All You Need Is Death just hit VOD and, of course, I rented it and watched it twice over the last few days. 

After the screening at last year's Beyondfest - hosted at the Los Feliz 3 theatre - this film left a deep impression on me and I'd harbored an itch to return to it again ever since. I can tell you the film is even more gratifying in its ambiguity; there's so much here, such a deep dive into a subculture that both does and doesn't really exist, that I kind of feel like I'm uncovering something that shouldn't be seen while watching this one. Also, Ian Lynch's score is OUTSTANDING. 


Black Sabbath - Eponymous
Robot God - Portal Within
Gary Moore - Still Got the Blues
The Damned - Night of the Living Damned
White Zombie - Astro-Creep 2000
Jim Williams - Woodlands Dark and Days Bewitched OST
Alice in Chains - Eponymous
Lankum - False Lankum
Ian Lynch - All You Need Is Death OST


For this first day of May, I felt a pull back to an older deck, and picked up my beloved Thoth for the first time in a while (this one gets more difficult to satisfactorily photograph every day, as the cards are worn and bent with use and love):

• Ace of Cups
• Three of Disks: Work
• Nine of Cups: Happiness

I also felt the urge to break out Crowley's definitive text on the deck, The Book of the Thoth and do some actual reading for today's interpretation.

One of the interpretations of the Minor Arcana or "pip" cards I've strayed from in recent years is how they relate to the Sephirotic Tree of Life. The sephiroth are something I consider when I really dig in, but I'm realizing I've strayed in keeping them as part of the mental mechanisms I utilize to "Divine on the Go," a terrible turn of phrase, but an accurate one, as I'm usually busy and in a time-crunch when it comes to these daily pulls. Thumbing through The Book of Thoth and landing on the Three of Disks first, I'm immediately reminded of Binah's association with the 'Threes." Binah, the great mother, strengthened here by Mars, we see the transmutation of water to a solid strong enough to support a three-sided structure. 

Take that with the Ace of Cups, which is instantly an "Emotional Breakthrough" signifier for me, always has been, almost to a fault. Going deeper with the book, however, I'm reminded this Cup is the counterpart to the Ace of Wands: the first represents the feminine aspect of the sexes, the second the male. The Ace of Cups also relates strongly to the Moon, and the idea of hidden energies formulating new realities.

Round all that out with the Nine of Cups, which would be the Yesod of the Sephiroth. Nine is also the number of the Moon, so we have a lot of Moon here. Checking my Moon tracker, I see we are in the Third Corner of Waning; this moon is 23 days old. I'm stepping off on a huge tangent, but I find that funny, that my inclination to pick up not just Crowley's deck but his treatise on it, as 23 is possibly the most famous number ascribed to the mid-twentieth century Magician-cum-Charlatan. 

The Nine of Cups also forecasts culmination and success—Crowley uses the word "perfection," but I will not—so my interpretation centers around the idea that this spread is a way of assuring me that inner tensions that begin at the office and meander through my household are on their way to a more stable status quo. That's kind of a little from a lot, but distilling this stuff down is the job.

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