Bringing this year's Bowie Week to a close with possibly my favorite song by him, the closing track from 2005's Reality. I have a short story I wrote around the time this album came out that pertains to the mood and abstractions in this song, a time-traveling hitman stuck killing time in the 70s waiting for his target, the titular Disco King. I haven't even looked at it in probably twenty years; maybe one day soon.
I've probably posted this track here before. However, there is a very specific reason I'm posting it again now. Tune in tomorrow.
Holy smokes - haven't been online all that much this weekend, so I just caught wind of this now, thanks to Bloody Disgusting:
Order from Shout Factory HERE.
Read the full BD article HERE.
Ruin of Romantics - Velvet Dawn
Steve Moore - VFW OST
David Bowie - Station to Station
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