I have to say, while holding Dreamkid's retro 80s synthwave sound at arm's length for well over a year, I think I've finally succumbed to full-on fan. Yes, there's definitely a chessiness at play here, but it doesn't matter. Dreamkid's music has a very genuine soul, which is weird to say about something with so much facade, but that's part of music, right? A ton of Metal is facade, so why not neon and glitter instead of Satan and blood?
From last year's Daggers album, which I've been listening to in late-night writing sessions for a few days now.
In the past seven days, K and I have watched two and a half seasons of Apple TV's Slow Horses. This is a show based on Mick Herron's Slough House novels, none of which I have had the pleasure of reading.
That's the opening of the first episode. Slow Horses follows MI5 agent River Cartwright who is reassigned to Slough House after the debacle depicted in the Sneak Peek above. Slough House is where British Secret Service assigns their fuck-ups, and we meet a lovely cast who all suffer under the profanity-spewing, Curry-farting, Single-Malt-drinking Jackson Lamb, a right old bastard as played by Gary Oldman. Lamb was a legend but made a lot of enemies and got sent to Slough House to 'run out the clock.'
Lamb reminds me of two very different characters I've met before. On the one hand, Oldman invokes Jackie Flannery from State of Grace in all his whiskey-swilling, unwashed glory. The character also conjures more than a little comparison to an aged John Constantine, and I have to wonder if that's canon from the novels or if the show's creative team is showing its influence. Either way, Oldman is a delight every moment he's on screen.
So are all the other characters, too. Even the ones you despise. As the clip shows, this is a fast-moving series and, honestly, the best "spy" story I've come across.
I guess re-reading Warren Ellis and Declan Shalvey's Injection is, at the very least, an annual appointment for me now. I woke up Saturday and re-read the first volume and experienced nothing short of total comic book ecstasy.
Especially when you consider that this is among the best of the 'wide-screen' format series, so it reads quick. Rereading is easy, as opposed to the voluminous experience of rereading the other two. That's not without its merit, of course, but I can find far more time to read Injection, and it affects my brain in a different way.
Aidan Baker & Dead Neanderthals - Cast Down and Hunted
Aidan Baker & Gareth Davis - Invisible Cities
Zombi - Shape Shift
Lantlôs - Neon
Windhand - Split
Windhand - Eponymous
Telekinetic Yeti - Primordial
Ruin of Romantics - Velvet Dawn
Hangman's Chair - Saddiction (pre-release singles)
Perturbator - Lustful Sacraments
Dreamkid - Daggers
Dreamkid - Eponymous
Soft Sun - Daylight in the Dark
Dreamkid - All Thriller, No Filler
Jim Williams - Possessor OST
David Lynch & Mark Zebrowski - Polish Night Music
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