Thursday, January 2, 2025

Dr. Colossus - I'm a Stupid Moron With an Ugly Face and A Big Butt and my Butt Smells and I Like to Kiss My Own Butt


This had me both laughing out loud and thrashing at my desk all afternoon yesterday. Focusing your band around The Simpsons is a quick way to get dismissed as a gimmick, but take a listen and you'll see - Dr. Colossus fucking rules!


Rewatched Adam Green's original Hatchet two nights ago and hot damn! I love this flick, but I always forget how much I love it until I actually sit down and rewatch it.

This is an obvious 'skin' of F13; however, I think by moving the 'Cabin in the woods' trope to the Louisiana swamps, effectively making it 'Cabin in the Swamp,' Green really breathes fresh life into the Slasher genre (always loved the tag: Old School American Horror). The cast is great and doesn't die in the order you'd imagine, and as annoying or vapid as some of them are, I actually don't want to see them die. That's usually not the case in modern slashers. 


Aidan Baker & Dead Neanderthals - Cast Down and Haunted
Aidan Baker & Tim Hecker - Fantasma Parastasie
Aidan Baker & Gareth Davis - Invisible Cities
Beth Gibbons, The Polish National Radio Symphony Orchestra & Krzysztof Penderecki - Henryk Górecki: Symphony N. 3
Windhand - Split
Dr. Colossus - I'm a Stupid Moron With an Ugly Face and A Big Butt and My Butt Smells and I Like to Kiss My Own Butt
David Bowie - Hunky Dory
David Bowie - Heathen


First Tarot Pull of 2025, I have to make it a single card from Missi's Raven Deck:

Always one of my favorite cards in any deck; this reminds me to look at things beyond surface capacity. No surprise I'm turning forty-nine in three months because that's what we do as we get older - we gloss over things. Part of it is, I think, when we're younger we have way more of a perceptual filter. We're only aware of our own world and small increments beyond. Aging opens that up, and by the time you're in your forties, you're aware of so much that you look for shortcuts. When you consider the internet and smartphones and all the stimuli and information that flow through us every day, my theory gets an update - kids are aware of so much more than I was when I was younger. Now, what's that due to adults that have that widened awareness?

In some cases, in a lot of cases I'd say, it shuts it down completely. We look at the world only as we want to see it. And the almighty algorithms just exacerbate that by creating these endless feedback loops that just cycle our own thoughts back through our head. So in 2025, I'm going to try and remember, every day, to look deeper. I've even made a note on my desk to remind myself. 

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