Showing posts with label Osgood Perkins. Show all posts
Showing posts with label Osgood Perkins. Show all posts

Wednesday, June 12, 2024

The Raveonettes Live at Chicago's Bottom Lounge, June 10th, 2024


I drove into Chicago over the weekend and saw The Raveonettes play the Bottom Lounge on Monday night. The video above is from George Devereux's YouTube channel - lots of awesome videos like this one over there, so mosey on over, check it out, and perhaps give the man a follow. 

Anyway, this trip was 100% last minute. Upon returning from Chicago on May 27th, I realized The Raveonettes were only playing ten dates on the tour to support their new covers album, "The Raveonettes... Sing," and Chicago was the closest to me, so I made a snap decision to buy tickets and attend. 

The Raveonettes have long been one of my favorite bands, but before they held such a lofty status in my heart, I passed a couple of opportunities to see them. Then, living in L.A. for the period over which they released no fewer than six records—three of which are my favorite by the band—I missed every opportunity to see them, where they often played the gorgeous El Rey Theatre. 

I really don't know what I was thinking - there was a large part of my life in the city of broken angels where we had so little money (or so I thought!) that I didn't go to hardly any shows, but whatever. The point is, having the band then all but disappear after 2017's 2016 Atomized kind of broke my heart. When I saw this tour, I knew I had to see them. And, of course, I was right. They were miraculous live!!! I broke into small sobs probably ten times during the show - there's something about Sharin Foo and Sune Rose Wagner's vocal harmonies and melody lines when combined with Wagner's Rock-a-Billy-meets-Robert-Smith guitar lines that overwhelm me with emotion, even more so live. Here's the setlist, courtesy of Setlist.FM.

1) When Night Is Almost Done
2) Hallucinations
3) Lust
4) Dead Sound
5) Blush
6) Railroad Tracks
7) Love Can Destroy Everything
8) Attack of the Ghost Riders
9) Veronica Fever
10) Do You Believe Her
11) My Tornado
12) The Enemy
13) Endless Sleeper
14) Sisters
15) Heartbreak Stroll
16) That Great Love Sound
17) Recharge & Revolt


18) Remember
19) Love In a Trashcan
20) Aly, Walk With Me


Although I've been avoiding everything released leading up to seeing Osgood Perkins' new film LONGLEGS, last week I caught the full trailer in the theatre. I'm posting it here and can 100% say I actually think this is one of the best trailers I've seen in years. They show so many intriguing, disconnected images that it revs up the desire to finally see the film, but gives away absolutely nothing. There's a big, obvious "gottasee" that happily dances around with the utmost tact. That said, I'd still prefer to not see it again. I just want this movie here now!

Also, just have to say, although I haven't been a fan of Perkins' other films, this one really has me excited, and pictures of him wearing a Mr. Bungle T-Shirt at a recent premiere only strengthen my resolve to give him and this film a fair shake.


Bruce Springsteen - Born in the U.S.A.
The Raveonettes - Lust Lust Lust
The Raveonettes - Raven in the Grave
The Raveonettes - In and Out of Control
Bandsplain Podcast - Alice in Chains
Willie Nelson - The Border
The Raveonettes - Pretty in Black
The Raveonettes - Whip It On

Thursday, April 25, 2024

Cosmo's Sugarless Long Legs


How about a little Creedence Clearwater Revival to start our day? Woke up insanely early - haven't managed more than five hours of sleep a night in a while - and sat on the back porch with coffee, Ivy Tholen's Tastes Like Candy 2: Sugarless (it's awesome!) and CCR's Cosmo's Factory, which is every bit as awesome an album as the cover photo is awful. But hey, it was 1970!


Osgood Perkin's upcoming film Long Legs is one of two flicks coming this summer that I've now seen the teasers for a few times and I can honestly say know how to do a 'teaser' right (Fede Alvarez's Alien: Romulus is the other). Check it out:


These teasers tell you absolutely NOTHING about the film, but 100% get me charged up to see it. I wasn't a fan of Mr. Perkins' previous two films (I tried with The Blackcoat's Daughter multiple times; it cheats!), but they are well-made films and that's on me. I'm hoping Long Legs blows me right the F away. Certainly seems like it will.


As I mentioned above, I'm trucking along on Ivy Tholen's Tastes Like Candy 2: Sugarless and it is fantastic! 

This one starts out like a typical Slasher sequel and then abruptly takes a left-hand turn. It's not what I thought it was going to be at all. You can order a copy HERE, and it's free on Kindle Unlimited at the moment.


The Devil's Blood - The Thousandfold Epicentre
Moon Wizard - Sirens
Telekinetic Yeti - Primordial 
Windhand - Eternal Return
Witch Skull - The Serpent Tide
Jim Williams - Woodlands Dark and Days Bewitched OST
Bryce Miller - City Depths
Saigon Blue Rain - Oko


From Jonathan Grimm's Hand of Doom Tarot, which you can buy HERE.

• Ten of Swords
• XV: The Devil
• 0: The Fool

Not exactly the cards I wanted to see with what's on my mind. Ruin, lies/misperception/bad optics/a new journey. 

Sunday, February 2, 2020

20 Watt Tombstone

Let's trace a chain of events so that I can better explain my current musical obsession.

My good friend and collaborator Jonathan Grimm messaged me recently telling me he'd been hired by an awesome band to do a design. A day or two later, I see that the band, Wisconsin's 20 Watt Tombstone, had released an absolutely killer limited edition baseball tee featuring Grimm's design.

Order Here
I ordered one immediately.

The next day at work, where I can often do my most concentrated listening of the day on headphones, I swung over to the band's page on Apple Music and loaded up their 2015 record Wisco Disco.

Immediate love. I listened to the album on repeat all day.

Here's the thing; it's not just that this is an awesome two-piece band. These guys have such a thick, dirty sound that it recalls music long ago ingrained in my blood. Back in the mid-to-late 90s, Mr. Brown, Sonny, Joe Grez, and I - basically the core of Schlitz Family Robinson - used to hang out at Chicago's Empty Bottle a lot, and we took quite a liking to two-piece Touch and Go Records band Cash Money that played there often. We started to kind of follow them around to other venues when they'd play as well, often opening for other Touch and Go bands. But Cash Money - later Cash Audio because of a bullshit lawsuit by the shitty rap label - stands as one of my all-time favorite live bands. John Humphrey and Scott Gimpino had a sound that is so unbelievably similar to 20 Watt Tombstone, that I can't help but feel like I've known 20 Watt a helluva lot longer than I have. Their sound is in my blood. And I don't mean to say I think there's any imitation going on; this is a natural progression of how two guys can set up and play dirty ass blues rock just fine without anyone else in the band. The Gretsch both Humphrys and 20 Watt Frontman/Guitarist Tom Jordan play has a lot to do with the sound, as does the slide, and the rough hewn blues-on-delta-rock vocals. I could go on, but I'd rather just shut my mouth and urge you to go check these guys out on their website and bandcamp, they are a fantastic band in their own right, and come from a lineage of blues/metal/fuzz icons.


This past Friday, K and I went to the theatre to see Osgood Perkins' new film Gretel and Hansel. I'll say right off the bat, I was very surprised to see this one getting such a wide release, and despite the fact that I am not a fan of Perkins' previous film, Blackcoat's Daughter (aka February), there was no way I wasn't going to support this one in a major chain.

So what did I think of Gretel and Hansel? All the acting is fantastic, it's a very pretty film, and I love the soundtrack. However, the soundtrack largely does not fit the movie. Synth-based music over old world settings play at being anachronistic, but in this case at least, I just don't think it worked. In fact, there were a few other elements that seemed to tease at the idea that Perkins sees this film as inhabiting an anachronistic space similar to, say, David Robert Mitchell's It Follows. Mitchell's film pulls it off in a very strange way; Perkins' film, in my opinion, does not. It's just too half-hearted and feels thrown in after the fact, as if the other elements that made me wonder - a few snippets of colloquialisms in Gretel's dialogue, or the coffee cup the Witch serves her from in one scene - were thrown in simply to try and justify the synth music. There's no doubt that the film, like BlackCoat's Daughter, is shot beautifully, and at least one scene is enhanced by that synth music, but as good as that scene is, it takes away from the overall film, and should have been removed or scored differently. Kill your darlings, dude.

Oh, but it was also really cool to see the old Orion Pictures logo come up at the start of the film. Not sure if that's being brought back, or if I'm just unobservant and it's been around since back in the day, but it feels like we haven't seen it in at least fifteen years if not longer.

All in all, I'd definitely say that, while I had some gripes, Gretel and Hansel deserves your support in the cinema, it just might leave you feeling 'meh.' Then again, I am largely alone in my disdain for Blackcoat's - I simply cannot reconcile the red herring that conceals the twist at the end; it's only accomplished by cheating - so who knows, everyone may very well love this one as well.



Butthole Surfers - Rembrandt Pussyhorse
Nothing - Guilty of Everything
Bohren and Der Club of Gore - Patchouli Blue
David Bowie - Heroes
20 Watt Tombstone - Wisco Disco
Chris Isaak - Heart Shaped World
Marvin Gaye - What's Going On
The Misfits - Static Age
...And You Will Know Us By the Trail of the Dead - X: The Godless Void and Other Stories
Clark - Daniel Isn't Real OST
The Body - I Have Fought Against It, But I Can't Any Longer
Lingua Ignota - Caligula
Greg Dulli - Pantomina (pre-release single)
Greg Dulli - It Falls Apart (pre-release single)
Me and That Man - Songs of Love and Death
Zonal - Wrecked
Mol - Jord

K and I had a marvelous weekend celebrating our four-year anniversary, now and I have a truncated week at work this week as my buddy Dave is coming out and we're seeing two of the three Mr. Bungle shows (*excited*), so I'm digging back into work on Shadowplay and I've begun the first steps preparing the book I will be releasing this year, what I consider the first successful novel I ever wrote, back in 2008.

Saturday, April 21, 2018

2018: April 21st 2:39 PM

Never did get around to that Sleep record yesterday. I'm headed to Long Beach later today after I get off work, so I may just wait and try and pick up the vinyl then. I'm really saving that first listen for ideal conditions, i.e. smoke and vinyl.

It was announced recently that Oz/Osgood Perkins, director of The BlackCoat's Daughter and I am the Pretty Thing That Lives in the House and son of Anthony Perkins, will be directing the film adaptation of Paul Tremblay's brilliant novel A Headfull of Ghosts. I can't wait, and it made me want to go back and re-watch The Blackcoat's Daughter, which I loved despite an interruption in the middle of my initial viewing last year. Here's the trailer in case you haven't seen it:

Not much of a playlist yesterday:

Metallica - Garage Days Re-revisited
Deafheaven - New Bermuda

Card of the day:

Again! I think this is pointing to the fairly lackluster first day on the Keller project, henceforth abbreviated here as T12.