Showing posts with label jonathan grimm. Show all posts
Showing posts with label jonathan grimm. Show all posts

Wednesday, November 25, 2020

Run for the Shore


My cousin Charles is a huge Fleet Foxes fan, and although I've liked everything I have previously heard by the band, A) my most recent previous listen was quite some time ago, and B) they long ago fell off my radar. Until Charles messaged me about how much he loved the newest record, Shore. I gave this one a spin last week, liked it, and then did not return to it until yesterday, when Shore absolutely blew me away.
First, the way this record is recorded is gorgeous. There's some real craft here, especially with the vocals and the mixing. Robin Pecknold's voice is handled in a way that makes it feel enormous and intimate at the same time, no easy feat. The instrumentation and arranging is full but organic in a way that gives the depths of most songs a very layered, aquatic feel, so that the music washes over and submerges you. Given the title and cover art, this is most definitely intentional, and very much appreciated. I've always loved aquatic themes and 'flavors' in music, and that goes especially well with the songwriting on this record.


Holy smokes. Run, which should have been in theaters this past Mother's Day weekend, is on HULU now. I knew nothing about this one other than Sarah Paulson is in it - always a good thing - until my friend Jonathan Grimm texted me about how much he liked it. An hour and a half and some change later, I couldn't agree more. Don't watch any trailers, don't read anything, just WATCH IT! Wow. Co-writer/Director Aneesh Chaganty is definitely someone who I will be watching like a hawk for whatever he does next.


Isn't it nice when, every November, NCBD falls the day before a holiday made for eating too much and laying around reading? Yeah, it is. 

So far, I adore this series, so let's continue on. I'm loving all the Autumn-tinted Horror in comics this year, three of them with new installments today!

The Plot is back and I am HAPPY! More dark, Ancestral Horror is exactly what this holiday season needed.

The Best of Raphael book from a few months ago remains one of my favorite comics since I was a kid - something about this oversized format. So of course, I'll be buying them all...

This last one is The Unkindness of Ravens #3. I'm digging this Sabrina-esque story, and realizing today that there's only one more issue, I'm unsure how this is going to wrap in a satisfactory manner. 


Emma Ruth Rundle and Thou - May Our Chamber Be Full
Fleet Foxes - Shore
Genesis - From Genesis to Revelation
Yob - Clearing the Path to Ascend
Sex Pistols - Never Mind the Bollocks...
Venue - DesirĂ©ena 
Venue - One Without a Second
Death Crux - Mutant Flesh
The Seatbelts - Cowboy Bebop OST
Zombi - Shape Shift


Endings and transformation. 

Monday, August 17, 2020

Isolation: Day 154 Darling 666

 Holy cow! Dorthia from Windhand has a new band with Gina Gleason from Baroness? Count me in!


I was pleasantly surprised by not one but two movies yesterday. First up, We Summon the Darkness, which I'd originally blogged about my plans to rent a few months back when it first premiered on VOD. That never ended up happening, and the flick fell off my radar until Jonathan Grimm alerted me to the fact that it hit Netflix recently.


 This flick is 100% worth your time. I loved it; yes I saw a big WTF moment coming a mile away, but I think the filmmakers knew most folks would and added an extra little twist that I did not. Plus, who cares about twists when the characters, setting, mood, and overall layout of the film is this fun. We Summon the Darkness is a really good time that doesn't take itself too serious and knows how to get down and dirty in the mud and blood with Satan!

Next up, Host on Shudder. This is a 56 minute flick that was filmed during COVID shelter-in-place on Zoom. 

Yes, that's right. On Zoom. I know what you're thinking; stop thinking it. This one's scary as hell and quite a good time.

Granted, I watched Host in my ideal setting: alone, stoned, with all the lights off and totally focused on the film. It's 56 minute runtime helped in that, because these days an uninterrupted movie is almost an impossibility. 



Santogold - Eponymous

Perturbator - Dangerous Days

JK Flesh - Depersonalization

X- Under the Big Black Sun

X - Los Angeles

Dead Swords - Enders

Iress - Prey

Iress - Flaw (pre-release singles)


Back to the Raven Deck for this morning's Pull:

Old rules reassessed and rewritten? Or get off your lazy ass? I did a fair amount of work getting back into the sequels for Shadow Play over this past weekend. Not a lot of writing; mostly digging in and re-reading the bible for the series, plus the copious amount of notes I have on it. Feels good. That said, the Tower pops up to remind me that although I told myself I would send a query letter a day, it's been at least three days since I actually have, so I need to get back on that ASAP.