Showing posts with label Heaven is an incubator. Show all posts
Showing posts with label Heaven is an incubator. Show all posts

Saturday, June 15, 2013

Miranda Sex Garden - In Heaven (Everything is Fine)

A great rendition of a classic David Lynch-penned tune. The organ that serves as a bridge is among my favorite sounds ever.

How did I get to this? Weeeeellllll.....

I am a HUGE Miranda Sex Garden fan, but I haven't been on a 'binge' with them in a while. Then I a little while ago I was over on the always awesome Heaven is an Incubator and listened to this incredible Lustmord track that he posted (go to that track directly on the 'Incubator here). Somewhere in there (I was drifting and not totally conscious of time - the track will do that to you) there was an organ sound very similar to the one I mention above.

Sunday, May 26, 2013

Lace Curtain - Falling

Via Heavenisanincubator. This is just FAN-FUCKING-TASTIC!!!

Nostalgia Works in Weird, Weird Ways My Friends

UPDATE: and it would help if I included the video I'm discussing, eh?

Okay, my 80's nostalgia might be drifitng into a dangerous place with this one. I'm sitting in a CBTL working on my novel, using the brilliance that is heavenisanincubator as a soundtrack to finally cut the bullshit and get through these two chapters that are essentially going to make up about a third of the second act of the story but that have sprawled to over 15k words and need some SERIOUS editing. Inbetween tracks the silence from my headphones reveals this song playing on the overhead - it meets with a favorable reaction from me and I linger there listening before looking it up, as I realize I have no idea who sings it.

Nu shooz? Really? Still, in the moment I find that I not only don't hate it (as I'm sure I have at some point in the past) but I'm actually liking it. And it helps me eek around a narrative corner I was until moments ago stuck on, so it gets the benefit of a post. And now that that's all done, it's back to the really good stuff.

Saturday, May 4, 2013

Rosenkopf - Burning Spirits

So I was hunting around on my favorite music blog heavenisanincubator and on accident I hit the 'Next Blog' button that blogger puts at the top of all its pages. It's an interesting idea - kind of a way to just move to a random blog, or just to get to know your neighbor. Well, the next blog over from the mighty 'incubator is the tour diary for a band called Rosenkopf. I'd never heard of them before and immediately flipped over to youtube and looked them up, them flipped back and began reading. I'm not entirely sure what year this tour diary is from, I believe it was 2012. You can click on the widget above and follow back to Rosenkopf's bandcamp where the track is available for free download. There's also a host of stuff on youtube which I'm kinda working my way through now, inbetween repeated listens to The Oceans' Pelagial. I've posted one of the live tracks below.

Tuesday, April 9, 2013

Vindsval's The Eye

Let's trace the origin of a post like this, not just because someone out there might find it interesting, but because I'll find it interesting, as I've been a pretty rabid Blut Aus Nord fan for about two years now but have never heard of Vindsval's The Eye before.

Okay, so first, as I do at least once a day, I went to the wonderful heavenisanincubator blogspot and read up one a bunch of music I'd never heard before. Good times on The Incubator - always. Anyway, I found a post about Kylesa's Vulture's Landing and was specifically interested by The Incubator's description of Kylesa's sound as containing a "shoegaze" element. I followed the embedded link to Kylesa's label Season of Mist (if I'd be really paying attention it would have dawned on me that I was onto something, as I just re-read Neil Gaiman's Sandman vol. 4 Seasons of Mist and once again it has remained a slowly disintegrating echo in my head since). I looked around Season of Mist's sight for a few minutes, noting various bands on the label and then with the shoegaze + metal thing did what it always does and triggered me to go google search Blut Aus Nord - specifically looking for their label, Debemur Morti Productions' site. No matter where I go to read about Blut Aus Nord and their principal founder/creator Vindsval I always find something new, especially on DMP's site. And low and behold there it was - news that a sequel to the above-embedded album - written and performed entirely by Vindsval from what I've been able to find - 1997's Supremacy by The Eye.

Monday, March 18, 2013

Kas Product - So Young But So Cold

Further proof that you can learn something new about music from the past everyday. I'd never heard of Kas Product or for that matter the scene it is associated with. My discovery began last week when I was skulking around the always awesome heavenisanincubator and found this:

I really dug Feurerbahn and went back today to buy the album. In looking at the tags on the bandcamp I saw a term I'd never seen before - Cold Wave.


So I googled Cold Wave. Apparently Cold Wave had a little lift off in the late 70's/early 80's and derives its name from a quote by Siouxsie and the Banshees, where they described their music as "cold, machine-like and passionate at the same time".

Next I found this discogs entry which led me to this allmusic entry. From there it wasn't far until I found Kas Product.

Good stuff.

Saturday, February 16, 2013

Godflesh Cover: Like Rats by Mark Kozelek

Many thanks to Tommy at the WONDERFUL heaveisanincubator for posting this. Mark Kozelek has always hovered at the far corners of my awareness but I'm completely unfamiliar. Then I see this - A GODFLESH cover!!! And it's awesome.

For comparison sake (and cuz I love to post anything Godflesh):

and finally, a live version from Justin and crew: