Sunday, July 16, 2023

Baroness - Beneath the Rose

More new Baroness. New album Stone is out September 15th, pre-order from the band's website HERE. Really cool video for this track, too. Not something I'm prone to complimenting bands on. 


Tubi's Cabin Girl - written by Leslie Beaumont and Rory James Wood and directed by Jon D. Wagner - is FANTASTIC. I posted the trailer a few days ago, so I won't post it here again now, but needless to say, this is a definite contender for my top ten Horror of the year so far. 

Also, despite being on Tubi, there are zero ads. I have a short, spoiler-free review over on Letterbxd HERE


Jogger - This Great Pressure
Baroness - Stone (pre-release singles)
Baroness - Gold and Grey
Tremors - Dark Glasses (single)
Blut Aus Nord - Hallucinogen
The Soft Moon - Deeper
Zombi - Shape Shift
Brainiac - Predator Nominate
The Doors - L.A. Woman


From Jonathan Grimm's Bound Tarot, which you can buy HERE.

• XL The Wheel
• III: The Empress
• Nine of Swords

Struggling against the tides dictated by Gaia will only lead to self-deception and bad dreams. Whoah, Pretty much a direct answer to a direct question about major upheavals in my life at the moment. Moving my parents from the suburbs of Chicago to Clarksville is the way to go despite reservations I've begun to have, because moving them at this point is just working with, not against, the tides of life. The older we get, the more we need the support of loved ones. My folks are in amazing shape for being in their 80s - I know people in their 60s who look and behave older than them, but despite their continued independence, we all know the best course of action is to get them down here, so we have to stop over thinking things.

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