Sunday, October 6, 2019

Joe Begos Double Feature at Beyondfest!

Let's start the day with something from Chris Connelly's pre-Ministry project Finitribe, from his Edinburgh days. I dug out an old single I have on vinyl yesterday and enjoyed the hell out of it, and was super pleased to see some of their stuff up on Apple Music.


Another wonderful evening at Beyondfest last night, where we saw a double feature of Joe Begos' two new films, Bliss and VFW. Both are FANTASTIC! Bliss is on VOD right now and I urge you to support it; VFW is slated to drop sometime around the end of the year; I'm sure I will post about it again then.

We were able to record a quick-take review of both of these, plus Joe Bob Briggs' How Rednecks Saved Hollywood and Stewart Raffill's Tammy and the T-Rex for The Horror Vision - check it out!

The Horror Vision on Apple

The Horror Vision on Spotify

The Horror Vision on Google Play


31 Days of Horror:

10/01: House of 1000 Corpses/31
10/02: Lords of Chaos
10/03: Creepshow Ep 2/Tales from the Crypt Ssn 1, Ep 1
10/04: IT Chapter 2, AHS 1984 Ep. 3
10/05: Bliss/VFW


Playlist from 10/05:

Type O Negative - Bloody Kisses (Digipak)
Testament - Souls of Black
Steve Moore - The Mind's Eye OST


No card today - it's late, I've been up for closing in on twenty-four hours, and I have a Tom Atkins triple feature to be at in Hollywood at 11:00 AM tomorrow. And hey, Tom Atkins will be there in person! How's that for a thrill, eh?

Saturday, October 5, 2019

New Chromatics!

You can order the digital version of the new album Closer to Grey HERE. Not sure if there's a physical one looming, which would be a shame, because the album art is a fantastic take on old Giallo poster art.

K and I saw IT Chapter Two last night. I had a few issues, but overall I really dig it. Very horrific, with a nice mix of jump scares and sustained fear, my real issue was simply that it felt light on plot and more a succession of scenes where Pennywise attacks but doesn't really harm all the characters. Of course at some point that stops being true, and the filmmakers offset that with a healthy dose of new children who serve as fodder for the monster, so I'm wondering if upon second viewing this might flow better for me. Regardless, this isn't a negative review - I dug a lot of what the film does.

The score is pretty cool, too. Benjamin Wallfisch hits a sweet spot that seems to draw on a lot of horror's greatest composers; this track reminds me a bit of Pino Donaggio and Joey Bishara, a pedigree guaranteed to get a result from the audience.


31 Days of Horror:

10/01: House of 1000 Corpses/31
10/02: Lords of Chaos
10/03: Creepshow Ep 2/Tales from the Crypt Ssn 1, Ep 1
10/04: IT Chapter 2, AHS 1984 Ep. 3


Playlist from 10/04:

Type O Negative - Dead Again
Nick Cave and the Bad Seeds - Ghosteen
Bauhaus - This is for When (Live)
Opeth - In Cauda Venenum
Type O Negative - The Origin of the Feces


The reminder I needed today to stop and pay attention to the moment. Not the surface moment, but those things going on below the surface, which I have very much been losing sight of lately.

Friday, October 4, 2019

Type O Negative, Creepshow, and Tales from the Crypt!

I've been in full October mode, and of course, that means lots of Type O Negative. This song, the final track on their final album before Peter Steele's death, really hit me this morning. Released in 2007, I've always really liked Dead Again, but I never quite warmed up to it as much as Life Is Killing Me, their previous and my favorite of their albums (I just take Bloody Kisses out of the running for that - it's perfect and stands on its own in a timeless continuum of awesome). Last year at this time, however, I felt myself coming around a bit more, and this year, well, I may now consider it the band's best album (again, eschewing BK). The song structures and arrangements are fascinating and far from obvious; listen to the soft countermelody Josh plays on the climax of this track -  I feel like one in a million rock keyboardists would write something like that there.

That said, this increased infatuation with Dead Again is what makes hearing Steele sing "All Hail and Farewell to me..." at the end of the song so emotional - I'm willing to bet the reason Dead Again took me so long to fall completely in love with is I'm a bit of a saver. In other words, living with the knowledge that this was their final album (I had a hunch even before Steele passed), I believe I saved this album to have one last record to fall in love with over the years. Now that this love has come to pass, I'm sad. But only so sad, because none of Type O's record ever get old.


The second episode of Shudder's Creepshow aired last night. Fantastic! There's a ton of schlock here, but that's how it's supposed to be. I especially liked "The Finger," with DJ Qualls. Breaking the fourth wall doesn't often work, but it did here. As a complementary flavor, K and I followed Creepshow with the first episode of the first season of HBO's Tales from the Crypt. Unlike many of my contemporaries, I didn't see much of this show back in the late 80s/early 90s when it aired. This episode, The Man Who Was Death, proved relevant in several ways. First, William Sadler is one of the stars of Joe Begos' VFW, which we'll be seeing tomorrow night at Beyondfest, and two, Sadler's out-of-work executioner narrates this episode by continuously breaking the fourth wall. A great double-feature in a weekend that will be filled with double and triple features!

31 Days of Horror:

10/01: House of 1000 Corpses/31
10/02: Lords of Chaos
10/03: Creepshow Ep 2/Tales from the Crypt Ssn 1, Ep 1


Playlist from 10/03:

Type O Negative - Dead Again
Various - Lords of Chaos Soundtrack (Playlist)
Sisters of Mercy - Floodland
Miranda Sex Garden - Suspiria
Neon Kross - Darkness Falls
Claudio Simonetti and Fabio Pignatelli - Phenomena OST


Card of the day:

Taking this as a nod that spending yesterday after work catching up on sleep instead of working was the correct plan of action. I feel revived, refreshed, and ready to continue outlining Shadow Play Book Two!

Thursday, October 3, 2019

Nick Cave and the Bad Seeds - Ghosteen Premiere

I'm not sure how long this is staying on youtube, but I wanted to post the link. I don't have the time to listen tonight - I'll probably just listen to it tomorrow when it hits digital platforms.

New Nick Cave and the Bad Seeds Premieres on Youtube 10/04

The new Nick Cave and the Bad Seeds album will be streaming at 2:00 PM HERE. Physical copies drop Friday, October 8th, and you can pre-order HERE.


31 Days of Horror:

10/01: House of 1000 Corpses/31
10/02: Lords of Chaos


Playlist from 10/02:

Type O Negative - Dead Again
Various - Halloween Playlist
Rob Zombie - Hellbilly Deluxe
Claudio Simonetti and Fabio Pignatelli - Phenomena OST
Trust Obey - Fear and Bullets
Perturbator - Dangerous Days


Card of the day:

I needed a clarification on this but didn't have time to do a full, three-card spread, so I pulled one more:

So the Seven of Wands refers directly to my wavering attempts at getting back on track with my recently re-energized attempts to put myself back on an active path with Magick. I've had a nearly impossible time getting my breathing back under control - and I was doing so good! I'll have to try and pull another card later to get some idea what I need to do to get myself going again. 

Wednesday, October 2, 2019

31 Days of Horror Begins!

"It's the most wonderful time of the year..."

That runs through my head pretty much from the time Beyondfest begins at the end of September, all the way through November 1st, and this year it's even more pronounced. Because of the late night at Joe Bob and Tammy and the T-Rex Monday night, I took October 1st off, which in turn gives me a nice head start on 31 Days of Horror. I started with a Rob Zombie double feature: I chose House of 1000 Corpses to kick the entire month off as a tribute to Sid Haig. From there I segued into 31, although that essentially played in the background as I started my writing day. BIG breakthroughs on the second book of Shadow Play, now I just have to work them into my outline, rejigger a few things, and then commence writing.


Finally: here's a newly expanded version of that Halloween Playlist I've been listening to for the last year or two.


31 Days of Horror:

10/01: House of 1000 Corpses/31


Playlist from 10/01:

Blut Aus Nord - Hallucinogen
Ritual Howls - Rendered Armor
Opeth - Deliverance
Claudio Simonetti and Fabio Pignatelli - Phenomena OST
Zonal - Zonal (Single)
Dean Hurley - Anthology Resource Vol. II: Philosophy of Beyond
Mark Korven - The Witch OST


No Card today.

Tuesday, October 1, 2019

Joe Bob Briggs @ Beyondfest 2019!

It's 3:31 AM as I begin this post. I've been up for nearly 24 hours. This is what I'm listening to - Paul Zaza's score for the 1981 My Bloody Valentine. I'm tired, but I have to tell you all something... shhh... lean in close...

I saw Joe Bob Briggs live tonight! He was amazing! Seriously, if you know who Joe Bob is, you probably know he's semi-touring the states doing his How Rednecks Saved Hollywood lecture. I expected it to be in-depth and scholarly, but holy cow. How Rednecks Saved Hollywood is nearly three hours long and, well, professorial is the word I would use. I mean, Joe Bob traces the roots of the 'Redneck' back to late the late Elizabethian era of England, then winds up through the Beverly Hillbillies, Deliverance, Texas Chainsaw Massacre, and Burt Reynolds. It's fascinating, educational, extremely entertaining, and well worth your time if he comes anywhere near your town.

Following JBB we hung around the Egyptian Theatre for the second Beyondfest feature of the night, the newly restored, gore-encrusted version of Stewart Raffill's Tammy and the T-Rex. Now this, this is also worth your time, but in a completely different way than Joe Bob. This is camp done in a hysterical intellectual capacity, and it really has to be experienced to be believed. You'll read about it, or hear someone talk about it, but you will NEVER understand its magic until you see it.

Playlist from 9/30:

Type O Negative - Bloody Kisses (Digipak Version)
Type O Negative - World Coming Down
NIN - The Downward Spiral
Nocturnal Projections - Complete Studio Recordings
Type O Negative - Dead Again
Monolord - No Comfort
Trust Obey - Fear and Bullets
Paul Zaza - My Bloody Valentine OST

Card of the day:

I still have to get back to taking care of business, and she's a reminder. I have tomorrow off, so it should be productive.