Saturday, May 18, 2013

Queens of the Stone Age - My God is the Sun Music Video

I'll admit, at this point I'm barely listening to these Queens tracks, as I sorely want ...Like Clockwork to be an album experience and all of these early released tracks are working against that. Smart in the age of itunes and youtube, but I'm old school and very album-centric, thus I'll post these for others' listening pleasure, but I'm trying (very hard might I add) to abstain from consuming any of this until I hold the record in my hand, can sit down with a good head of smoke and critically listen to this thing from start to finish. A friend messaged me recently saying he'd heard a leak and, to quote, "nothing can prepare you for it." I'm also not one for leaks or torrent sites, so I'm biting my nails and grinding my teeth until June 4th - which really isn't so very far away in normal time.

However while waiting for a new Queens of the Stone Age record, it might as well be A MILLION FUCKING YEARS!!!

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