Showing posts with label The Last Drive In. Show all posts
Showing posts with label The Last Drive In. Show all posts

Friday, September 6, 2024

Bauhaus - Adrenaline

From their 2008 album Go Away White, which caught a fair amount of slack when it came out, but honestly, always sounded pretty fucking great to me.


Writing this Friday night with a pretty good head of steam. Since I pretty much passed out after the second movie of Joe Bob's Nightmareathon last week, I'm picking up the slack this week. I started with Fade to Black, a flick I've started watching several times before and never finished (not the movie's fault), and I found it to be just okay until the third act, which I actually thought was pretty fantastic.


The Nightmareathon segued into Children of the Corn after Fade to Black, and I wasn't in the mood for that, so I decided to re-watch Joe Bob host Spookies from The Last Drive-In Season three. Talk about a damn good time:

Some of the sound design really blew me away, and overall, you really have to admire anyone who makes such an absolutely batshit crazy flick. 


The Cure - The Top
Miranda Sex Garden - Fairytales of Slavery
Bauhaus - Gotham
Blut Aus Nord - 777: Cosmosophy
Bauhaus - Go Away White
Joy Division - Still
Blackbraid - Warriors (single)
Ghost Bath - Moonlover
The Body - I Have Fought Against It, But I Can't Any Longer.

I guess it's Fall, eh?


Today's card for study is II: The Priestess:

Alchemical marriage of elements to conceive a new thing (idea, being). This is the cosmic womb that takes I: The Magus's seed and gestates it into a new form. 

Raw Creation, and thus, Will. Tapping into a power greater than your own.

Friday, June 7, 2024

Thou - Umbilical


If you need a reason to love Thou beyond the music, this is it. Order the new album Umbilical HERE. I think Byran Funck's vocals are the closest I've ever heard to recreating that infamous "Stroke Me" effect Mike Patton used in old-school Mr. Bungle. And regardless of how much sludge this band piles on, I still hear the Staley-era Alice in Chains. Fucking love it.


Joe Bob and Darcy did my favorite movie of all time last night. Here are those Drive-in totals:

Loved this episode. 


Blut Aus Nord - Memoria Vetusta III: Saturnian Poetry
Dean Hurley - Tales From the Library of the Occult: Flower
Faith No More - Angel Dust
Warning - Why Can Bodies Fly (single)
Calderum - Mystical Fortress of Iberian Lands
INXS - Kick
Thou - Umbilical


One card from Missi's Raven Deck to send me on my way to Chicago to see The Ravenonettes on Monday:

Always a comforting sight.

Tuesday, June 21, 2022

Deftones - Simple Man

I'm traveling, so any posts here will probably be abbreviated and sporadic. I'm not really a Skynard fan, however, after hearing the Deftones cover this one on their B-Sides collection that came out a few years ago, I realized I very much dig this song.


I don't know anything about Luke Boyce's upcoming flick Revealer, which debuts on Shudder this coming Friday, however, here's the trailer:

Being that I'm traveling and have had a lot of my time spoken for over the last week, I missed last Friday's penultimate episode of Joe Bob Briggs' The Last Drive-In, where the trailer for Revealer played between movies. The following day, however, I saw this tweet and subsequently looked into the film:

This entire thing just makes me so happy, for Luke Boyce, for the movie, and for us, because this flick looks awesome! 80s Chicago? Mandy color-palette? I'm in.


I finally began reading The Song of Salome by Tom Johnstone, published by the always wonderful Omnium Gatherum


Black Sabbath - Eponymous pretty much on repeat, all day, every day. When I have a chance to listen to music, that is.


Bridging emotion (Cups) and reason (Air, Princes).

I feel like there's a lot of that right now, as we set up shop in Tennessee looking for houses, my parents in tow. I love my parents but haven't lived with them in over twenty years, or near them, aside from when I come home to visit every year, and I'm finding they are... a little bit of a challenge. Prince of Cups is one of the cards that represents me pretty well, as I'm pretty good at mitigating emotion with reason. Let's hope I can 

Sunday, May 17, 2020

Isolation: Day 66 - Keep Rolling

Last night Joe Bob Briggs finally got me to watch One Cut of the Dead. Despite near universal acclaim from all my gatekeepers and curators, I had already tried this film and given up. After finally sticking it through, well I loved it. Also, I love this song, which I listened to about ten times in a row today while making a new version of my chili that turned out remarkably well.

I wrote a super short Letterbxd review HERE.

After the film, Joe Bob had one of the most heartfelt and beautiful monologues I've seen from the man. The combined effect of the entire 2+ hours of his presentation of the film coming to a head with this brought me to tears:

Life is truly wonderful, even amidst rampant stupidity and a perilous existence of total uncertainty.



Barry Adamson - As Above So Below
Lana Del Rey - Norman Fucking Rockwell
Windhand - Grief's Infernal Flower
Void King - Barren Dominion
Various - A Girl Walks Home Alone At Night
Irma Thomas - Straight from the Soul
Neil Young and Crazy Horse - Everybody Knows This is Nowhere
Bohren and Der Club of Gore - Sunset Mission
Blut Aus Nord - The Mystical Beast of Rebellion
Blut Aus Nord - Memoria Vetusta I: Fathers of the Icy Age
Blut Aus Nord - Memoria Vetusta II: Dialogue With the Stars
Blut Aus Nord - Memoria Vetusta III: Saturnian Poetry
Man Man - Dream Hunting in the Valley of the In-between
Burzum - Filosofem
They Might Be Giants - Flood
Urge Overkill - Saturation
The Neighbourhood - I Love You.
Burzum - Hvis Lyset Tar Oss
Bibio - Vignetting the Compost
Tony Joe White - The Best of
Revocation - Teratogenesis EP
Megadeth - Rust in Peace
Cafe Racer - Shadow Talk
Go Gos - Vacation
Cocksure - TVMALSV

Saturday, May 9, 2020

Isolation - Day 58 Death Dies

Friday nights have been a thing of beauty and comfort ever since Shudder brought Joe Bob Briggs' The Last Drive-In back. This week, JBB did Frank Henelotter's bat-shit crazy Brain Dead and Dario Argento's Profundo Rosso (Deep Red). What a line up!

Watching Deep Red, I'd forgotten how much I love this score, and I'm kicking myself for not buying it when Waxwork Records put it out a few years ago. That said, finding the original version on Apple Music this morning, I realized that there's so much music on this one overall, I find myself wondering if the WW edition only has the Goblin stuff, which while iconic and amazing, would miss what might be my favorite track on the soundtrack altogether.

Originally, I'd mistaken this track for Goblin, however, Italian Jazz musician Giorgio Gaslini is the actual author. I love all the music in Deep Red, but this one... this gives the iconic theme from the film a run for it's money.


TKO Studios is creating major waves with an amazing business model. This is a new comic publisher, with exclusive, new titles by established creators, who sell online AND give 50% of the price to any comic book store you choose. I just placed an order for Jeff Lemire and Gabriel Walta's Sentient and sent half of the $19.99 for the trade paperback to Atomic Basement Comics in the LBC. Next up, probably Joshua Dysart and Alberto Ponticelli's Murder Mystery Goodnight Paradise, so I can send half to The Comic Bug.

This is the kind of business ingenuity that will see our beloved Comics Industry through the current crisis, and I'm proud to help out. I've been trying to patronize both my shops when I can, but with their limited, by appointment hours, it's been tough to balance it with my schedule. TKO is definitely going to help with that.



Blut Aus Nord - Memorial Vista III (Saturnian Poetry)
X- Under the Big Black Sun
Blut Aus Nord - MoRT
Blut Aus Nord - Deus Salutis Meae
Blut Aus Nord - What Once Was... Liver III EP
White Ward - Love Exchange Failure
Chelsea Wolfe - Hiss Spun
Blut Aus Nord - Odinist: Destruction of Reason By Illumination
Crystal Castles - (II)
Ministry - The Mind is a Terrible Thing To Taste
Barry Adamson - Oedipus Schmoedipus
Hall and Oats - Essentials
M83 - Saturdays = Youth
Roachpowder - Atomic Church
Ministry - From Beer to Eternity
Ministry - Alert Level (Quarantine Mix) Single
White Lung - Paradise
The Neighbourhood - Wiped Out
The Neighbourhood - I Love You.
X- Alphabetland
Lead Into Gold - The Sun Behind the Sun
Revocation - Teratogenesis EP
Revocation - Deathless
Various - A Girl Walks Home Alone At Night
Goblin/Giorgio Gaslini - Profundo Rosso


Time to saddle up and finish this fucking book!

Saturday, April 20, 2019

2019: April 20th - Swamp Thing Teaser

This dropped a few days ago, but I haven't had time to post here. There's an article on Bloody Disgusting - I think - that mentions this show is going to be pulling a lot from Alan Moore's seminal run on the book, the one that not only redefined Wrightson and Wein's character, but arguably the comics industry in general. If I hadn't witnessed that insane Doom Patrol sequence I posted a few weeks ago, I'd probably be a lot more skeptical of this. As it stands, that's two shows on the DC Universe app that I want to give a shot. That said, I don't know that I intend on subscribing to a DC streaming app regardless of whether or not they bring up a show with Jesus handing out free passes, so I guess I'll wait and see. Still, kudos to DC on finally getting something going, because I happened to see about ten minutes of that JLA movie on cable in a hotel recently, and all I can say is, no thanks.


My trip to the comic shop did NOT decimate my wallet, and now I've had a morning's worth of new books to read. My favorite this month? The return of Rucka and Lark's Lazarus, but in a quarterly, prestige format, with a shit ton of back matter:

Also, there's two big conflicts - probably wars, actually, coming in two of my favorite titles, and while  I'm pretty excited, I'm also a little afraid of the body count that may follow as a result:

I'm especially concerned about what's coming in TWD. With issue 200 on the horizon, my prediction remains that Rick Grimes will die, probably before the anniversary issue, just because Kirkman likes to defy expectation.


Didn't get to watch The Last Drive-In last night, so K and I will be watching Joe Bob this evening. Can't wait! And I've never seen either of the films he played this week.


Playlist from 4/18:

Talking Heads - Remain in Light
Deftones - Koi No Yokan
Deafheaven - New Bermuda
Drab Majesty - Careless
Drab Majesty - Ellipses (Pre-release Single)

Playlist from 4/19:

Talking Heads - Remain in Light
Grand Duchy - Petite Fours
The National - Trouble Will Find Me
Odonis Odonis - Reaction EP
The Thirsty Crows - Hangman's Noose
Canadian Rifle - Peaceful Death
Ghost - Opus Eponymous
Faith No More - King for a Day
Thought Gang - Modern Music

Card for the day:

I really need to do a deep dive on this card. I'll not waste time with another abbreviated interpretation right now. Needless to say, I suppose I'm supposed to control my emotions, but that just doesn't seem to fit right now.

Thursday, March 28, 2019

2019: March 28th: Helms Alee - Spider Jar

This new track from Helms Alee popped up in my youtube feed via Sargent House's channel. Wow. I know nothing of this band, but that changes today. From the forthcoming Noctiluca, out on Sargent House April 26th. Pre-order HERE.


Shadow Play Book One: Kim & Jessie is finished. Well, the writing part. I spent a good four hours over the last two days tweaking the layout in Scrivener and Veullum, and it's almost right, but not quite. It looks like I'll be spending all day Friday watching 'how-to' videos for both programs, trying to dial in those last little nuances. Oh yeah, I've also secured my all-important First Reader! Thank You, Missi!


If you're anywhere near my age - 43 - you remember a time before the Internet, when television required what we now refer to as Event Viewing. I'm not going to say that was necessarily better, but it's funny that, as we get further and further into the paradigm where we control the viewing experience 100% in most cases, there's still those of us who nostalgically long for an occasional movie or show to call the shots. I wouldn't want everything to revert to that paradigm because, hey, I'm freakin' busy, as I'm sure you are. But it's nice to have an event to look forward to every now and again. Shudder knows this. Joe Bob Briggs knows this. That's why, I am excited as all hell for tomorrow night and the inaugural Joe Bob Briggs The Last Drive In weekly Double Feature! I have no idea what JBB is showing, nor do I care. All that matters is that he is hosting.


Playlist from 3/27:

Bonobo - The North Borders
The National - You Had Your Soul With You (Pre-release Single)
The National - Trouble Will Find Me
Brand New - Science Fiction
Windhand - Eternal Return
White Lung - Eponymous
Tamaryn - The Waves

Card of the day:

Balance and Harmony. The imagery on this card, perhaps more than any other in the deck, instills in my chest a calm and peaceful feeling. The Star sifts the cosmic waters of the Universe, which in a way, is what artists do. I feel good. I feel on track.

Sunday, July 15, 2018

2018: July 15th

To celebrate the Steelbook/Angela Figure exclusive Scream Factory announced last week. I won't be ponying up for it, at least not with the figure (no room for it), but it's pretty damn awesome.

Haven't been on here in a few days. Pulled a trip to Fingerprints in Long Beach on Friday during the day after K and I declared it a mental health day. Traded in a bunch of old CDs that didn't make the cut and used the credit to buy a couple gems on vinyl we'd been wanting.

Did a DwC Friday night and had the delightful Karen Kunawicz from the Manilla Times as our guest. Already editing it, so hopefully I'll have it up mid-week. As always, live feed is on our FB Page in perpetuity.

Spent most of Saturday, from about midnight to 8 PM watching the amazing Joe Bob Briggs on Shudder's The Last Drive In. A 24 hour horror movie marathon, this was basically a 27 hour horror movie party and I loved every second of it I caught (had to sleep for a few hours Friday night/Saturday morning). I'd never encountered Joe Bob Briggs before, and now that I've had a taste I can only hope this isn't, as he says, the last one of these he'll be doing. The entire event is up on Shudder as a season with each movie an episode. Each film has a considerably longer-than-usual runtime, as Mr. Briggs cuts in every so often to offer facts about each film, aside, stories, insights. This is the real draw, and I can only hope I can see him do this again, whether by having more, or through finding ways to watch the old Up All Night events.

Films played:

Tourist Trap
Sleepaway Camp
David Cronenberg's Rabid
The Prowler
Sorority Babes in the Slime Ball Bowl-O-Rama
Daughters of Darkness
Blood Feast
Basket Case
Herbert West: Re-Animator
The Legend of Boggy Creek

Great stuff, eh?

Playlist from the last few days has been sporadic at best with all the movies, so I'll refrain from posting it for now and pick back up tomorrow.

Card of the day:

Duality and completion.